Monday, March 24, 2014

MH370 : Summary PC and major news channels

Summary PC and major news channels:
(1) Few sightings of objects (2 orange color about 1metre length, white color drum, wooden pellets etc) but not yet able to reach or identify if related to MH370.
(2) US bringing towed Pinger Locator to southern Indian Ocean
(3) Police have interviewed more than 100 people so far
(4) 18,500 square nautical miles were searched yesterday
(5) weather expected to be rough in coming days due to Cyclone Gillian
(6) 6 Malaysian ships northern of search area. 10 Chinese also in the region
(7) Turkmenistan confirms no radar sightings
(8) PM Najib was informed by PM Abbott on the objects sighted
(9) French satellite data received (radar image yesterday and camera image today) and passed to Australia govt
(10) Families requesting detailed information, but Hishamuddin said unable to reveal too much
(11) HMAS Success should be able to retrieve objects by tomorrow
(12) Briefing in Beijing took 8hrs yesterday
(13) 20,000 square nautical miles search area today.
(14) Planes from Japan, UAE, Malaysia, Australia, China involved in SAR

By M. Poobalan

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