Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MH370 : Family Members of Passengers Were Forcibly Removed

 'You are traitors to us... just tell us the truth': Screaming family members of missing MH370  passengers are dragged out of press conference as they finally snap after 11 days of lies and confusion.

Screaming family members of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines jet were forcibly removed from a hotel room after invading a press conference which was about to start and accusing the Malaysian government of failing to work hard enough to find the plane.

Half a dozen people held up banners blaming the government of inaction as airline officials desperately tried to resume order.

But one women screamed: 'You are traitors to us... you have let us down. Tell us the truth! We want the truth!'

During the press conference, Malaysia's Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said officials had received further radar data, but were 'not at liberty to release information from other countries'

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