Friday, March 28, 2014

MH370 : Summary of PC and news from major media, Day 21

(1) Malaysian Cabinet decided to continue support the families of the those on flight MH370

(2) New search area indicated as further data analysis indicated MH370 flew faster than previously anticipated.

(3) AMSA said further changes in search areas is possible as more data is analysed and higher accuracy is obtained. Main methods used is analysis movement of plane, satellite data, sophiscated oceanography modelling

(4) US sending second Poseidon from Okinawa to help with SAR

(5) Current search area had shifted about 650-700 miles northeast of previous search area. and is about 1680km west of Perth

(6) Japanese satellite also show about 10 floating objects

(7) Since search area is far from land, planes take to reach the area and can only search for few hours at most before turning back for refuel.

(8) Today SAR continued as weather was good

(9) Minister Hishamuddin to brief opposition MPs

(10) 6 countries involved in SAR

(11) After 30 days, option may be deep sea surveillance and salvage

(12) After midnight today, it will be 3 weeks since plane went missing

(13) Malaysian artistes and celebrities who are popular in China, being attacked online due to MH370

(14) Police investigations - no updates yet.

(15) MAS says rostering is done for pilots and not necessarily both of them knew each other before this

 By M.Poobalan

Thursday, March 27, 2014

MH370: Summary of Today's News

(1) Thai satellites identified about 300 object ranging from 1m to 15m floating about 200km
south-west from current search area

(2) China's vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui visited 21 family members of the 154 Chinese passengers on board flight MH370 at the Bangi-Putrajaya Hotel

(3) Today's SAR was cut short before noon due to bad weather. However ships remain in search area while aircrafts turned back. Today's search covered 16,298 sq nautical miles in West sector (4 planes) and 6,506 sq nautical miles in East sector (5 planes)

(4) Insurance companies started to disburse insurance claims of victims

(5) Police will leave no stones unturned, says IGP

(6) Home Minister answered in parliament on how 2 Iranians entered with forged identities

(7) Malaysia is to send a team to Perth to assist in SAR mission involving DCA, MAS, TUDM and TLDM

(8) US Navy's Bluefin 21 autonomous submarine had arrived in Perth

(9) Family members of some victims onboard the ill-fated Flight MH370 are filing a RM4.95bil suit for compensation, against Boe­ing and Malaysia Airlines. Chicago-based firm Ribbeck Law Chartered, which is acting for the family members, has filed a petition of discovery in a court in Illinois, Chicago.

Monica Kelly, the lead lawyer from Ribbeck Law, said the firm which specialises in aviation law, had been approached by family members from China and Indonesia. Kelly said they spoke to family members in many countries and expected about half of those affected to take part in the suit.
“We have done many cases where wreckage was completely destroyed, or no bodies found, or wreckage found but no black boxes working. We are not relying on these things to start the legal process,” said Kelly, during a briefing to the press here.

She said such suits can take anywhere between four months to five years, but expects this case to take between one-and-a-half to two years.

The firm would focus its suit against Boeing, as they believe it was a case of equipment malfunction but could expand the defendants to include other component manufacturers or even those who trained

By M.Poobalan

the crew

Monday, March 24, 2014

MH370 : Summary PC and major news channels

Summary PC and major news channels:
(1) Few sightings of objects (2 orange color about 1metre length, white color drum, wooden pellets etc) but not yet able to reach or identify if related to MH370.
(2) US bringing towed Pinger Locator to southern Indian Ocean
(3) Police have interviewed more than 100 people so far
(4) 18,500 square nautical miles were searched yesterday
(5) weather expected to be rough in coming days due to Cyclone Gillian
(6) 6 Malaysian ships northern of search area. 10 Chinese also in the region
(7) Turkmenistan confirms no radar sightings
(8) PM Najib was informed by PM Abbott on the objects sighted
(9) French satellite data received (radar image yesterday and camera image today) and passed to Australia govt
(10) Families requesting detailed information, but Hishamuddin said unable to reveal too much
(11) HMAS Success should be able to retrieve objects by tomorrow
(12) Briefing in Beijing took 8hrs yesterday
(13) 20,000 square nautical miles search area today.
(14) Planes from Japan, UAE, Malaysia, Australia, China involved in SAR

By M. Poobalan

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MH370 : Family Members of Passengers Were Forcibly Removed

 'You are traitors to us... just tell us the truth': Screaming family members of missing MH370  passengers are dragged out of press conference as they finally snap after 11 days of lies and confusion.

Screaming family members of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines jet were forcibly removed from a hotel room after invading a press conference which was about to start and accusing the Malaysian government of failing to work hard enough to find the plane.

Half a dozen people held up banners blaming the government of inaction as airline officials desperately tried to resume order.

But one women screamed: 'You are traitors to us... you have let us down. Tell us the truth! We want the truth!'

During the press conference, Malaysia's Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said officials had received further radar data, but were 'not at liberty to release information from other countries'

MH370: Pieces of aircraft found floating on Andhra coast?

Pieces of what is suspected to be an aircraft were seen washed up on Andhra coast Wednesday, a Telugu television channel reported.

Fishermen, who saw them floating at Kutta Gouduru beach in T.P. Gudur mandal of Nellore district in south coastal Andhra off Bay of Bengal, informed the police.

According to a channel, the authorities alerted the top officials. However, there was no confirmation from any official if the objects seen floating were indeed pieces of an aircraft.

An airplane of the Malaysia Airlines, with 239 people, including five Indians aboard, vanished while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing March 8.

A TV news channel in Malaysia had reported two days ago that missing plane may have crashed either in the Bay of Bengal or in the Indian Ocean.

MH370: China families dragged away by police

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

MH370 : Maldives residents report 'low-flying jumbo jet' sighting on March 8

Residents of Kuda Huvadhoo in Dhaal Atoll in the Maldives reportedly saw a "low-flying jumbo jet" flying over houses early in the morning of March 8, the same day Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing.

In a report by Maldivian daily Haveeru, residents described the aircraft which flew over Kuda Huvadhoo at around 6.15am as being white, with red stripes across it.
This colour scheme is very similar to the livery used by Malaysia Airlines on its aircraft - including the Boeing 777 used for MH370.

Eyewitnesses who saw the aircraft agreed that it was travelling in a north to south east heading towards Addu, the southern tip of the Maldives, and all commented on the very loud noise the aircraft made when flying over the island.

One noted that the doors on the aircraft could be seen clearly, a fact that was also agreed upon by other eyewitnesses.

"Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too," said the eyewitness, and it was reported that Island Councillor, Mohamed Zaheem had said that other residents of Kuda Huvadhoo had spoken up about the incident.

Haveeru had also quoted a local aviation expert, who said it was likely for MH370 to have flown over the Maldives, adding that the possibility of any aircraft flying over the island was extremely low.
MH370, which left KL International Airport for Beijing on March 8, has been in the international spotlight since it disappeared in the early hours of that same day along with its 239 passengers and crew.

Twenty-six countries are now searching for the 777 along two corridors the aircraft is expected to have flown, based on satellite data obtained since MH370 disappeared from Malaysian radars at 2.15am on March 8.
Aside from Malaysia, these countries include the United States, Bangladesh, India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and France.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Source Says MH370 Deliberately Flown to Andaman Islands

New details given on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading — following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628. These routes are taken by commercial planes flying from Southeast Asia to the Middle East or Europe and can be found in public documents issued by regional aviation authorities.

In a far more detailed description of the military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 90 miles (144 km) off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called “Igari”. The time was 1.21am.
The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called “Vampi”, northeast of Indonesia’s Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.

From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called “Gival”, south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called “Igrex”, on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

MH370 : Search Area

MH370: Pentagon has "indications" that the missing plane may be in the Indian Ocean

KUALA LUMPUR: An official from the United States (US) revealed “indications” that Malaysia

The official, however told ABC News that they needed 24 hours before the ship could be deployed to the area.

“We have indications that the airplane has crashed into the Indian Ocean,” said the official.

The individual also explained that there were also indications that the plane may have flown four to five hours after its last contact with radar.

US military base Diego Garcia is located at the Indian Ocean.
Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 which went missing since March 8, may have crashed into an area where the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea merge and are sending the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching, reported ABC news.

MH370 : Shocking Report by US Investigator

MH370 : SAR Team

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

MH370:China satellite finds 'floating objects' in jet hunt

BEIJING: China said its satellites have detected three large floating objects in a suspected crash site near where a missing Malaysian jet lost contact, the latest twist in a hunt which entered its sixth day Thursday.

China's state science and technology administration said late Wednesday that a Chinese satellite had seen the objects in a "suspected crash sea area" in the South China Sea on March 9, and that the images were being analysed.

Object 1

The search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 now encompasses nearly 27,000 nautical miles (over 90,000 square kilometres) -- roughly the size of Portugal -- and involves the navies and air forces of multiple nations.

The hunt originally focused on an area off Vietnam's South China Sea coast, where the Boeing 777 last made contact Saturday on a journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

But Malaysian authorities later expanded it to the Andaman Sea, north of Indonesia, hundreds of miles away.

The suspected objects detected by the Chinese satellite were found at 105.63 degrees longitude East and 6.7 degrees latitude North, the administration said on its website.

Object 2

It added that they were spread across an area with a radius of 20 kilometres (12 miles), in sizes that appeared to be 13 x 18 metres, 14 x 19 metres and 24 x 22 metres. Previous sighting of possible debris have proved not to be from the jet.

It was not clear whether or when the images had been shared with Malaysian officials coordinating the ever-shifting search effort. Officials could not immediately be reached for comment Thursday morning.

- No blast on US satellites -

US authorities said Wednesday that their spy satellites had detected no sign of a mid-air explosion when a Malaysian airliner lost contact with air traffic controllers.

On Wednesday, Malaysia denied that the hunt for the aircraft was mired in confusion after a series of false alarms, rumours and contradictory statements.

Malaysian air force chief General Rodzali Daud attempted to explain why the search zone had been expanded, telling a press conference that military radar detected an unidentified object early Saturday north of the Malacca Strait off Malaysia's west coast.

He said that the reading, taken less than an hour after the plane lost contact over the South China Sea, was still being investigated and they were not able to confirm it was MH370.

The confusion has fuelled perceptions that Malaysian authorities are unable to handle a crisis on this scale, and infuriated relatives.

Analysts said there were burning questions over what information -- if any -- Malaysia has gleaned from both military and civilian radar, and the plane's transponders, and over discounted reports it was later detected near Indonesia.

"There are so many information sources that do not appear to have been used effectively in this case. As a result, the families of the missing passengers and crew are being kept in the dark," said David Learmount, operations and safety editor at industry magazine Flightglobal.

One new detail did emerge: the words of MH370's final radio transmission.

Malaysia's ambassador to China, Iskandar Sarudin, said one of the pilots said "alright, good night" as the flight switched from Malaysian to Vietnamese airspace, according to Singapore's Straits Times newspaper.

Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's civil aviation chief, later confirmed to AFP that those were the last words from the cockpit.

- 'Cracking and corrosion' -

Months before the Malaysia Airlines jet vanished, US regulators had warned of a "cracking and corrosion" problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure.

"We are issuing this AD (Airworthiness Directive) to detect and correct cracking and corrosion in the fuselage skin, which could lead to rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity of the airplane," the Federal Aviation Administration said.

It had circulated a draft of the warning in September, issuing a final directive on March 5, three days before MH370 disappeared.

In Malaysia, frustrations were boiling over with the country's active social media and some press outlets turning from sympathy for the families of relatives to anger over the fruitless search.

"The mood among Malaysians now is moving from patience... to embarrassment and anger over discrepancies about passengers, offloaded baggage and concealed information about its last known position," Malaysian Insider, a leading news portal, said in a commentary.

Twitter users took aim at the web of contradictory information that has fuelled conspiracy theories.

"If the Malaysian military did not see MH370 turn toward the Malacca Strait, then why the search? Who decided to look there and why?" one comment said.

The anger was compounded by a report aired on Australian television of a past cockpit security breach involving the co-pilot of the missing jet.

Malaysia Airlines said it was "shocked" over allegations that First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, along with a fellow pilot, violated airline rules in 2011 by allowing two young South African women into their cockpit during a flight.

MH370: Life Raft Found Near PD

A Fisherman claims they found a badly damaged raft written with word "Boarding" 10 nautical miles from Port Dickson town at 12pm yesterday.

Monday, March 10, 2014

MH370 Passenger and Crew Member

These are some of the passenger and crew members of MH370 from Malaysia

Sunday, March 9, 2014

MH370 : US Embassy Kuala Lumpur

Statement from the

U.S. Government Providing Assistance Fol

The United States Government continues to closely follow the developments regarding Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370. We extend our thoughts and prayers to the loved ones of those on board the Malaysia Airlines flight.

At the request of the Malaysian Government, the United States Navy has dispatched two ships, the USS Pinckney and the USNS John Ericsson, to assist in the search and rescue efforts. The USS Pinckney (DDG 91), an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, arrives on scene this afternoon to assist in the search of the area. The ship carries two MH-60R helicopters which can be equipped for search and rescue. The USNS John Ericsson, a replenishment oiler operated by the Military Sealift Command, sailed from Singapore this morning to support the search and rescue efforts.

In addition to the ships, a U.S. Navy P-3C Orion aircraft departed from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan this morning and has begun to search the area. The aircraft brings long-range search, radar and communications capabilities to the efforts.

Beyond the search and recovery efforts, the U.S. Government is continuing to assist the Malaysian Government and Malaysia Airlines with their investigation into the aircraft’s disappearance. A Teams from the National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration is currently are en route to the region to offer assistance. In addition, U.S. Embassy-based representatives from U.S. law enforcement agencies are in contact with their Malaysian counterparts.

lowing the Disappearance of Malaysian Airline Flight MH 370

US Embassy Kuala Lumpur's spokesperson:

MH370 Hijacked ???

A prominent china blogger just received an anonymous letter from a shadowy muslim seperatist group leader claiming responsibility of a plane hijacking on mh 370.

The letter says it was done to retaliate d chinese persecution on xinjiang uighur minority, and it urged d authorities to release all uighur arrested for the kunming train station massacre.

Why picked on a malaysia airlines? The leader bcuz he has been tortured due to an act of malaysia government before. How true it is d letter ? I dont know, but i assume he is refering to this:

MH370 : Suspected Aircraft Oil slicks spotted

Vietnamese air force planes spotted two oil slicks, each between 6 and 9 miles long off the southern tip of Vietnam, the AP reported citing a Vietnamese government statement. The statement said the slicks were consistent with the kinds expected to be left by a crashed jetliner.

MH370 : More Than 40 Ships in Search and Rescue Mission

Image showing ships from different countries searching for the debris of flight MH370.

MH370 : Suspected Aircraft Debris Spotted

Some debris has been reportedly spotted off the east coast of West Malaysia, but it is still unconfirmed if it belonged to the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight, according to a top Chinese aviation official.

Civil Aviation Administration of China director Li Jiaxiang said the sighting was made in an "area of longitude 103.29 degrees east and a latitude 6.42 degrees north.

“With relevant technical measures, suspected debris has been seen in the area of longitude 103.29 degrees east and a latitude 6.42 degrees north. This is pending confirmation by the arrival of the search teams,” said Li in Beijing, according to news reports.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

20 Staff of Freescale Semiconductor Onboard MH370

Staff from semiconductor company, Freescale Semiconductor, were among 20 Malaysians onboard MAS flight MH370 which went missing over Vietnam-controlled airspace early today. Below is a statement from their Senior Manager, Corporate

“We can confirm that there were members of the Freescale team on the flight. We’re continuing to monitor the situation and will have more information as it becomes available. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those affected by this event and we are doing our best to help them with this tragedy. Counselors and other professionals are available through our Employee Assistance Program with around-the-clock assistance for those who are experiencing difficulty with this incident.”
Communication, Asia Pacific, Gloria Shiu.

MH370 Missing From Radar

MISSING MH370 Passenger Name List

Following are some of the names of passengers onboard the missing MH370.

Fariq Ab. Hamid
Zaharie Ahmad Shah
Foong Wai Yueng
Goh Sock Lay
Gomes Patrick Francis
Mohd. Hazrin Mohamed Hasnan
Junaidi Mohd. Kassim
Andrew Nari
Ng Yar Chien
Tan Ser Kuin
Tan Size Hiang
Wan Syaid Wan Ismail
Anne Catherine Daisy 
Bai Xiaow 
Beherey Usage Waitrelos Laurence Arlet 
Biby Nazli Mohd. Hassim 
Brooskii Nikolath 
Burrows Rooney
Chan Huan Peen 
Chen Weihoing 
Chew Kar Mooi 
Chng Mei Ling 
Chuang Hsiu Ling 
Chustrak Oleg 
Deineka Sergii 
Dina Mohamed Yunus Ramli
Maria Mohamed Yunus Ramli
Gu Naijun 
Guan Hua Jin 
Huang Tianjui 
Hue Pui Heng 
Jee Jing Hang 
Jiang Cuiyun (CHN)
Koh Tiong Meng (MYS)
Kolekar Chetana Vinod (IND)
Kolekar Vinod Suresh (IND)
Kozel Christian (AUT)
Lawton Catherine (AUS)
Lawton Robert (AUS)
Lee Kah Kin (MYS)
Lee Sew Chu (MYS)
Li Hongjing (CHN)
Li Yuan (AUS)
Lim Por Chua (MYS)
Lui Ching (CHN)
Maraldi Luigi (ITA)
Meng Leoinf (USA)
Meng Nicole (USA)
Mohamad Sofian Ibrahim (MYS)
Mohd. Khairul Amril Selamat (MYS)
Muhammad Drazahan Zamani (MYS)
Mukherjee Muktesh (CAN)
Muzi Yusop (MYS)
Ng May Li (MYS)
Noorida Mohd. Hashim (MYS)
Nor Fadzillah Mat Rahim (MYS)
Norliakmar Hamid (MYS)
Ramlan Safuan (MYS)
Sharma Chandrika (IND)
Shirsath Kranti Pralhad (IND)
Sim Keng Wei (MYS)
Siregar Firman Chandra (IND)

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Missing

Friday, March 7, 2014

Malaysia Airlines plane crashes in South China Sea with 239 people aboard

(Reuters) - A Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew crashed in the South China Sea on Saturday, Vietnamese state media said, quoting a senior naval official.
The Boeing 777-200ER flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing had been missing for hours when Vietnam's Tuoi Tre news quoted Admiral Ngo Van Phat as saying he had asked boats from an island off south Vietnam to rush to the crash site.

If the report is confirmed, it would mark the U.S.-built airliner's deadliest crash since entering service 19 years ago.

Malaysia Airlines had yet to confirm that the aircraft had crashed. It said earlier in the day that no distress signal had been given and cited early speculation that the plane may have landed in Nanming in southern China.

Flight MH370, operating a Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, last had contact with air traffic controllers 120 nautical miles off the east coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu, Malaysia Airlines chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said in a statement read to a news conference in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia and Vietnam were conducting a joint search and rescue, he said but gave no details. China has also sent two maritime rescue ships to the South China Sea to help in any rescue, state television said on one of its microblogs.

"We are extremely worried," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters in Beijing before the Vietnamese report that the plane had crashed. "The news is very disturbing. We hope everyone on the plane is safe."

The flight left Kuala Lumpur at 12.21 a.m. (11.21 a.m. ET Friday) but no trace had been found of the plane hours after it was due to land in the Chinese capital at 6.30 a.m. (5.30 p.m. ET Friday) the same day.

"We deeply regret that we have lost all contacts with flight MH370," Jauhari said.
Malaysia Airlines said people from 14 nationalities were among the 227 passengers, including at least 152 Chinese, 38 Malaysians, 12 Indonesians, six Australians and three Americans. It also said a Chinese infant and an American infant were on board.

If it is confirmed that the plane has crashed, the loss would mark the second fatal accident involving a Boeing 777 in less than a year and by far the worst since the jet entered service in 1995.
An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER crash-landed in San Francisco in July 2013, killing three passengers and injuring more than 180.

Boeing said it was aware of reports that the Malaysia Airlines plane was missing and was monitoring the situation but had no further comment. The flight was operating as a China Southern Airlines codeshare.

An official at the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) said the plane had failed to check in as scheduled at 1721 GMT while it was flying over the sea between Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh city.

Anwar Guilty of Sodomy II, 5 year Jail.

In a dramatic turn, Anwar Ibrahim the opposition leader sentenced to 5 years jail after overturning a High Court decision to free him of sodomy charge in 2012. The court allowed stay of sentencing pending Anwar's appeal to the Federal Court and bail set at RM10000.

Anwar's supporters protested and claims that this is an attempt to disqualify him from Kajang by-election and end his political career.