(2) New search area indicated as further data analysis indicated MH370 flew faster than previously anticipated.
(3) AMSA said further changes in search areas is possible as more data
is analysed and higher accuracy is obtained. Main methods used is
analysis movement of plane, satellite data, sophiscated oceanography
(4) US sending second Poseidon from Okinawa to help with SAR
(5) Current search area had shifted about 650-700 miles northeast of previous search area. and is about 1680km west of Perth
(6) Japanese satellite also show about 10 floating objects
(7) Since search area is far from land, planes take to reach the area and can only search for few hours at most before turning back for refuel.
(8) Today SAR continued as weather was good
(9) Minister Hishamuddin to brief opposition MPs
(10) 6 countries involved in SAR
(11) After 30 days, option may be deep sea surveillance and salvage
(12) After midnight today, it will be 3 weeks since plane went missing
(13) Malaysian artistes and celebrities who are popular in China, being attacked online due to MH370
(14) Police investigations - no updates yet.
(15) MAS says rostering is done for pilots and not necessarily both of them knew each other before this
By M.Poobalan
(4) US sending second Poseidon from Okinawa to help with SAR
(5) Current search area had shifted about 650-700 miles northeast of previous search area. and is about 1680km west of Perth
(6) Japanese satellite also show about 10 floating objects
(7) Since search area is far from land, planes take to reach the area and can only search for few hours at most before turning back for refuel.
(8) Today SAR continued as weather was good
(9) Minister Hishamuddin to brief opposition MPs
(10) 6 countries involved in SAR
(11) After 30 days, option may be deep sea surveillance and salvage
(12) After midnight today, it will be 3 weeks since plane went missing
(13) Malaysian artistes and celebrities who are popular in China, being attacked online due to MH370
(14) Police investigations - no updates yet.
(15) MAS says rostering is done for pilots and not necessarily both of them knew each other before this
By M.Poobalan