Sunday, March 29, 2015

YB Rafizi Ramli di Tahan

  Anggota polis di pejabat YB Rafizi Ramli di Ibupejabat KEADILAN.
Rafizi dibawa dlm keadaan bergari.
Berikut antara barang-barang yang dirampas pihak polis setakat ini:
- 4 komputer
- 1 surat pekeliling berkait himpunan ‪Kita lawan
- 1 kenyataan media berkait himpunan Kita lawan

Monday, March 2, 2015

Religious teacher to hang for boy’s murder

ALOR STAR: A religious teacher was sentenced to death by hanging today for the murder of a seven-year-old pupil four years ago.
Hanif Mohd Ali, 31, was found guilty of killing Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee in the warden’s office at Asrama Putra, Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Furqan, in Arau, Perlis between 6 pm and 12 am on March 31, 2011.
Judicial commissioner Mohd Zaki Abdul Wahab said the defence failed to cast any reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case.
In his judgement, he said Hanif had throttled the boy resulting in cerebral hypoxia that fatally injured him.
Hanif who was also a hostel warden at the religious primary school, was sentenced to 18 years’ jail in March 2012 after pleading guilty to an amended charge, under Section 304(a) of the Penal Code, for causing death.
However, the prosecution appealed to the Court of Appeal and succeeded in reinstating the original charge, under Section 302 of the Penal Code, for murder.
The prosecution was represented by deputy public prosecutor Badius Zaman Ahmad, while Hanif, by counsel Mohd Shakir Khairi.

Friday, March 28, 2014

MH370 : Summary of PC and news from major media, Day 21

(1) Malaysian Cabinet decided to continue support the families of the those on flight MH370

(2) New search area indicated as further data analysis indicated MH370 flew faster than previously anticipated.

(3) AMSA said further changes in search areas is possible as more data is analysed and higher accuracy is obtained. Main methods used is analysis movement of plane, satellite data, sophiscated oceanography modelling

(4) US sending second Poseidon from Okinawa to help with SAR

(5) Current search area had shifted about 650-700 miles northeast of previous search area. and is about 1680km west of Perth

(6) Japanese satellite also show about 10 floating objects

(7) Since search area is far from land, planes take to reach the area and can only search for few hours at most before turning back for refuel.

(8) Today SAR continued as weather was good

(9) Minister Hishamuddin to brief opposition MPs

(10) 6 countries involved in SAR

(11) After 30 days, option may be deep sea surveillance and salvage

(12) After midnight today, it will be 3 weeks since plane went missing

(13) Malaysian artistes and celebrities who are popular in China, being attacked online due to MH370

(14) Police investigations - no updates yet.

(15) MAS says rostering is done for pilots and not necessarily both of them knew each other before this

 By M.Poobalan

Thursday, March 27, 2014

MH370: Summary of Today's News

(1) Thai satellites identified about 300 object ranging from 1m to 15m floating about 200km
south-west from current search area

(2) China's vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui visited 21 family members of the 154 Chinese passengers on board flight MH370 at the Bangi-Putrajaya Hotel

(3) Today's SAR was cut short before noon due to bad weather. However ships remain in search area while aircrafts turned back. Today's search covered 16,298 sq nautical miles in West sector (4 planes) and 6,506 sq nautical miles in East sector (5 planes)

(4) Insurance companies started to disburse insurance claims of victims

(5) Police will leave no stones unturned, says IGP

(6) Home Minister answered in parliament on how 2 Iranians entered with forged identities

(7) Malaysia is to send a team to Perth to assist in SAR mission involving DCA, MAS, TUDM and TLDM

(8) US Navy's Bluefin 21 autonomous submarine had arrived in Perth

(9) Family members of some victims onboard the ill-fated Flight MH370 are filing a RM4.95bil suit for compensation, against Boe­ing and Malaysia Airlines. Chicago-based firm Ribbeck Law Chartered, which is acting for the family members, has filed a petition of discovery in a court in Illinois, Chicago.

Monica Kelly, the lead lawyer from Ribbeck Law, said the firm which specialises in aviation law, had been approached by family members from China and Indonesia. Kelly said they spoke to family members in many countries and expected about half of those affected to take part in the suit.
“We have done many cases where wreckage was completely destroyed, or no bodies found, or wreckage found but no black boxes working. We are not relying on these things to start the legal process,” said Kelly, during a briefing to the press here.

She said such suits can take anywhere between four months to five years, but expects this case to take between one-and-a-half to two years.

The firm would focus its suit against Boeing, as they believe it was a case of equipment malfunction but could expand the defendants to include other component manufacturers or even those who trained

By M.Poobalan

the crew

Monday, March 24, 2014

MH370 : Summary PC and major news channels

Summary PC and major news channels:
(1) Few sightings of objects (2 orange color about 1metre length, white color drum, wooden pellets etc) but not yet able to reach or identify if related to MH370.
(2) US bringing towed Pinger Locator to southern Indian Ocean
(3) Police have interviewed more than 100 people so far
(4) 18,500 square nautical miles were searched yesterday
(5) weather expected to be rough in coming days due to Cyclone Gillian
(6) 6 Malaysian ships northern of search area. 10 Chinese also in the region
(7) Turkmenistan confirms no radar sightings
(8) PM Najib was informed by PM Abbott on the objects sighted
(9) French satellite data received (radar image yesterday and camera image today) and passed to Australia govt
(10) Families requesting detailed information, but Hishamuddin said unable to reveal too much
(11) HMAS Success should be able to retrieve objects by tomorrow
(12) Briefing in Beijing took 8hrs yesterday
(13) 20,000 square nautical miles search area today.
(14) Planes from Japan, UAE, Malaysia, Australia, China involved in SAR

By M. Poobalan