Friday, June 8, 2012

Akshaya Patra; Feeding Over 1.3 Million Children Daily!

 The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one of the world's largest NGO-run midday meal programs feeding over 1.3 million children in over 9,000 schools throughout 10 states of India. A public-private partnership, Akshaya Patra combines good management, innovative technology and smart engineering to deliver school lunch at a fraction of the cost of similar programs in other parts of the world. It costs Akshaya Patra only $15 to feed a child for an entire year. This meal gives these children an incentive to come to school, stay in school and provides them with the necessary nutrients they need to develop their cognitive abilities to focus on learning. The organization also sources its food stocks from local markets, thereby reducing costs associated with transportation and food spoilage while supporting the local economy. For more info please visit

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