Friday, December 28, 2012
Gang rape victim died
Delhi Gang raped girl DAMINI died in Mount Elizabeth Hospital of Singapore
Please pray for Damini.
Shame for India!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
CURI SISA MAKANAN PUN nak LAPORKAN kepada POLIS? KEBODOHAN apekah itu? BODDO NOK MAPUH punya orang. Mula larh jari aku melazer pepagi neh.
Baca kat bawah neh sat ;
Begitulah yang terjadi kepada seorang lelaki berusia 50-an yang ditemui Pertubuhan Prihatin Kebaktian Masyarakat Kulim (PPKM) sebaik saja mendapat aduan daripada orang awam yang mendakwa lelaki itu mencuri makanan di surau.
Pengerusinya, Khor Eng Khim berkata, pihaknya menemui lelaki itu yang sedang tidur di tepi parit bersebelahan Stadium Mini Keladi kira-kira jam 12.30 pagi semalam.
Menurutnya, lelaki itu mengaku kerana terlalu lapar dia terpaksa mengambil sisa kuih dalam surau sebaik solat Terawih dijalankan lalu melarikan diri. "Dia juga memaklumkan tidak mempunyai wang untuk membeli makanan dan hidup gelandangan sejak lima tahun lalu," katanya. Sementara itu, lelaki berkenaan berkata, dia tidak suka dituduh sebagai pencuri. “Aku ada minta pada mereka sedikit kuih tetapi mereka halau aku kerana aku kotor. "Orang selalu tuduh aku mencuri. Itu semua tidak betul.
Aku cuma mahu makan
saja," katanya. Dia
berkata, sehingga kini tidak ada sesiapa atau pihak bertanggungjawab yang
datang membantu.
Dalam pada itu, Eng Khim berkata, masalah itu dapat diselesaikan sekiranya pihak terlibat turun padang dan
mendekati nasib mereka yang hidup di jalanan. “Orang awam yang
menemui lelaki ini
memaklumkan kepada
saya dia mencuri dan
harus diserahkan kepada polis. Pada pendapat saya, dia tak bersalah.
"Dia sudah meminta
kebenaran untuk mendapatkan beberapa
kuih untuk dimakan tetapi tidak diberikan sebaliknya
dia dihalau.
"Dia tidak ada pilihan
melainkan mencuri kuih itu.
Dia mencuri kerana dia
lapar dan bukan kerana dia
mahu melakukan jenayah. Dalam soal ini di manakah peranan orang ramai serta
badan yang bertanggungjawab?,"
katanya. -SH-
Orang awam yang suruh bawa pi
balai tue bangang gamaknya. Dia taktau apa rasanya lapar. Orang2 macam tue mesti tak pernah hidup miskin dan hidup susah.
Orang yang pernah hidup miskin, yang takde duit nak beli makanan kat kantin sekolah, yang kena balik
jalan kaki bila tertinggal bas sekolah sebab takde duit tambang, yang hanya mampu tengok kawan2 berbangga dengan baju sekolah baru dan kasut baru, yang hanya dapat baju baru setahun sekali je boleh faham kehidupan orang2 gelandang macam ni. Lapar bukan satu perkara yang bagus untuk dikenangkan. Bahkan
tak bagus langsung untuk di
alami. Takde mana2 manusia di
dunia ni yang nak merempat
mengemis makanan kat orang lain. Tapi kalau dah jumpa or terserempak dengan orang macam ni, bagi aje la !! Bukan
ko susah apa pun kalau dia makan. Sisa makanan aje pun. SISA,Bukan makanan betul ! Dah tue terjadi kt tempat ibadat pulak tu.
Bukan nak tuduh2 bhai. Tapi aku percaya orang awam = orang islam. Dan tersangatlah sakit hati aku melihat perangai orang islam
macam ni. SAMPAH ! Macam mana la orang tak pandang hina, buruk dan serong terhadap umat islam. Pasal makan sisa pun nak kecoh bagai.
Puihhhh !!
Abbdullah DotMy
Baca kat bawah neh sat ;
Begitulah yang terjadi kepada seorang lelaki berusia 50-an yang ditemui Pertubuhan Prihatin Kebaktian Masyarakat Kulim (PPKM) sebaik saja mendapat aduan daripada orang awam yang mendakwa lelaki itu mencuri makanan di surau.
Pengerusinya, Khor Eng Khim berkata, pihaknya menemui lelaki itu yang sedang tidur di tepi parit bersebelahan Stadium Mini Keladi kira-kira jam 12.30 pagi semalam.
Menurutnya, lelaki itu mengaku kerana terlalu lapar dia terpaksa mengambil sisa kuih dalam surau sebaik solat Terawih dijalankan lalu melarikan diri. "Dia juga memaklumkan tidak mempunyai wang untuk membeli makanan dan hidup gelandangan sejak lima tahun lalu," katanya. Sementara itu, lelaki berkenaan berkata, dia tidak suka dituduh sebagai pencuri. “Aku ada minta pada mereka sedikit kuih tetapi mereka halau aku kerana aku kotor. "Orang selalu tuduh aku mencuri. Itu semua tidak betul.
Aku cuma mahu makan
saja," katanya. Dia
berkata, sehingga kini tidak ada sesiapa atau pihak bertanggungjawab yang
datang membantu.
Dalam pada itu, Eng Khim berkata, masalah itu dapat diselesaikan sekiranya pihak terlibat turun padang dan
mendekati nasib mereka yang hidup di jalanan. “Orang awam yang
menemui lelaki ini
memaklumkan kepada
saya dia mencuri dan
harus diserahkan kepada polis. Pada pendapat saya, dia tak bersalah.
"Dia sudah meminta
kebenaran untuk mendapatkan beberapa
kuih untuk dimakan tetapi tidak diberikan sebaliknya
dia dihalau.
"Dia tidak ada pilihan
melainkan mencuri kuih itu.
Dia mencuri kerana dia
lapar dan bukan kerana dia
mahu melakukan jenayah. Dalam soal ini di manakah peranan orang ramai serta
badan yang bertanggungjawab?,"
katanya. -SH-
Orang awam yang suruh bawa pi
balai tue bangang gamaknya. Dia taktau apa rasanya lapar. Orang2 macam tue mesti tak pernah hidup miskin dan hidup susah.
Orang yang pernah hidup miskin, yang takde duit nak beli makanan kat kantin sekolah, yang kena balik
jalan kaki bila tertinggal bas sekolah sebab takde duit tambang, yang hanya mampu tengok kawan2 berbangga dengan baju sekolah baru dan kasut baru, yang hanya dapat baju baru setahun sekali je boleh faham kehidupan orang2 gelandang macam ni. Lapar bukan satu perkara yang bagus untuk dikenangkan. Bahkan
tak bagus langsung untuk di
alami. Takde mana2 manusia di
dunia ni yang nak merempat
mengemis makanan kat orang lain. Tapi kalau dah jumpa or terserempak dengan orang macam ni, bagi aje la !! Bukan
ko susah apa pun kalau dia makan. Sisa makanan aje pun. SISA,Bukan makanan betul ! Dah tue terjadi kt tempat ibadat pulak tu.
Bukan nak tuduh2 bhai. Tapi aku percaya orang awam = orang islam. Dan tersangatlah sakit hati aku melihat perangai orang islam
macam ni. SAMPAH ! Macam mana la orang tak pandang hina, buruk dan serong terhadap umat islam. Pasal makan sisa pun nak kecoh bagai.
Puihhhh !!
Abbdullah DotMy
Friday, August 3, 2012
Waytha Meets Suppoters - Full speech
After a press conference at Mount Austin, Waythamoorthy met Johor Bahru supporters at Sri Mariamman Temple, Taman Dato Chellam, Ulu Tiram. He briefly explained his mission and what is the next plan of Hindraf.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Vishwaroop - Theatrical Trailer Tamil

Development of the project commenced after the release of Kamal's Manmadhan Ambu, and several of the crew were imported from Hollywood. The direction department was taken over by Kamal Haasan from Selvaraghavan, and reports indicating a comparison with Hollywood films surfaced during the production. The initially estimated budget was around INR150 crore (US$27.15 million), making it one of the most expensive Indian films. Due to delays, casting took a relatively long period of time, with several of the original cast dropping out of the project. The film was shot extensively overseas, in countries including the United States and Canada, while domestic locations included Chennai and Mumbai.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Billa 2 TRailer
Indian film audiences don’t have much experience of watching prequels, so Ajith Kumar’s ‘Billa 2’ can be an interesting watch for them. ‘Billa 2’ is the prequel of 2007 film ‘Billa’ which was directed by Vishnuvardhan. The new edition is directed by Chakri Toleti who has wielded the megaphone for films such as ‘Unnaipol Oruvan’ and ‘Eenadu’ in the past.
The film’s story probes the history of a dreaded gangster David Billa and finds out the reasons behind his transformation from an ordinary man to a gang-lord.
‘Billa’ was based on a 1980 film by the same name, it also had portions based on 2006 Hindi film ‘Don: The Chase Begins Again’. Nayantara had played the female lead in ‘Billa’ while this time Pravathy Omnakuttan and Bruna Abdullah will be seen opposite Ajith Kumar.
Vidyut Jamwal, who gained fame for his intense acting in ‘Force’, is also doing an important role in ‘Billa 2’.
Despite doing very few films, Ajith Kumar has earned a distinct position in the Tamil film world. This time also the makers are planning to encash his huge popularity that’s why they have planned to release the film in as many theatres as possible. They are eyeing the foreign markets too, especially the USA, where ‘Billa 2’ is releasing in more than 60 screens, second only to Rajinikanth’s ‘Enthiran’.
The music of the film by Yuvan Shankar Raja has already become a rage among youths which in turn will fetch the film benefits at the box office.
Ajith Kumar is the biggest attraction of ‘Billa 2’ and the film’s performance will entirely depend on his portrayal of a people friendly don. The spectators would also love to watch Ajith Kumar performing daredevil stunts that he has done without using a body double.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelley about a creature produced by an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. The first edition was published anonymously in London in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in France in 1823.
Shelley had travelled the region in which the story takes place, and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her future husband, Percy. The storyline emerged from a dream. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for weeks about what her possible storyline could be, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. She then wrote Frankenstein.
Frankenstein is infused with some elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement and is also considered to be one of the earliest examples of science fiction. Brian Aldiss has argued that it should be considered the first true science fiction story, because unlike in previous stories with fantastical elements resembling those of later science fiction, the central character "makes a deliberate decision" and "turns to modern experiments in the laboratory" to achieve fantastic results.[1] The story is partially based on Giovanni Aldini's electrical experiments on dead and (sometimes) living animals and was also a warning against the expansion of modern humans in the Industrial Revolution, alluded to in its subtitle, The Modern Prometheus. It has had a considerable influence across literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories and films.
Since publication of the novel, the name "Frankenstein" is often used to refer to the monster itself, as is done in the stage adaptation by Peggy Webling. This usage is sometimes considered erroneous, but usage commentators regard the monster sense of "Frankenstein" as well-established and not an error.[2][3][4] In the novel, the monster is identified via words such as "creature," "monster", "fiend", "wretch", "vile insect", "daemon", and "it". Speaking to Dr. Frankenstein, the monster refers to himself as "the Adam of your labors", and elsewhere as someone who "would have" been "your Adam", but is instead your "fallen angel."
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Warga emas maut ditetak jiran
Seorang lelaki warga emas mati ditetak jirannya adalah antara tiga kes bunuh yang berlaku di tiga daerah di Perak dalam tempoh 24 jam sejak malam semalam.
Ketua Polis Perak Datuk Mohd Shukri Dahlan berkata dalam kejadian di Taman Changkat, Kampar pada pukul 9.20 malam semalam, Wong Cheong Heng, 73, meninggal dunia akibat ditetak di bahagian pinggang dan kepala menggunakan sebilah parang oleh jirannya yang juga warga emas.
Beliau berkata mangsa meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian.
"Difahamkan perselisihan faham antara mereka telah lama berlaku dan semalam mereka berbalah dan isunya masih dalam siasatan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri 'Hari Kesedaran Jenayah dan Tinjauan Mesra' anjuran Polis Diraja Malaysia Kontinjen Perak di Taiping, hari ini.
Beliau berkata polis telahpun menahan suspek yang berusia 62 tahun itu dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana membunuh.
Sementara itu, dalam kejadian lain di Kuala Kangsar, seorang pengawal keselamatan sebuah kilang getah di Jalan Taiping menembak seorang lelaki yang menceroboh masuk ke kawasan kilang berkenaan.
Mohd Shukri berkata dalam kejadian pada pukul 6.30 pagi ini, pengawal keselamatan berkenaan menembak lelaki berumur 46 tahun itu yang dipercayai ingin mencuri di kilang berkenaan.
"Kawasan itu pernah dimasuki pencuri dan atas rasa takut dia telah melepaskan tembakan," katanya.
Beliau berkata polis menahan pengawal keselamatan itu dan kes berkenaan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 304 Kanun Keseksaan.
Dalam kejadian lain di Jalan Tupai, Taiping, seorang pemilik kedai perabot, Ong Chee Leong, 58, mati ditikam dengan pisau oleh seorang daripada empat perompak yang memasuki kedai itu pada pukul 10.30 pagi ini.
"Berlaku pertelingkahan antara mereka dan mangsa telah ditikam," katanya.
Katanya polis sedang memburu keempat-empat suspek.
- Bernama
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Curved Screen Smartphones??
Samsung has quietly given a name to its flexible AMOLED technology in a sign it's getting closer to a real launch. Now called Youm, it makes the thin film transistor and the encapsulation entirely out of film instead of glass. The changes not only let it bend and fold freely but, according to Samsung, make it "unbreakable," thinner, and lighter.
The company has fully committed to the name and has trademarks with the USPTO. They cover multiple different forms of AMOLED screens to keep the Youm name active in the long term.
Samsung starts bulk production of flexible displays sometime during the spring and, if on track, could be in a shipping product before the end of 2012. Among the candidates could be things as simple as curved-screen smartphones and wristwatches to folding phones and portable devices whose displays unfold.
Mayat bayi dalam beg galas
Seorang pelajar berusia 16 tahun yang mengadu sakit perut dan mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ) di Kuala Terengganu, akhirnya mengaku dia baru melahirkan anak dan menyembunyikan bayi itu dalam sebuah beg galas.
Beg galas yang mengandungi bayi perempuan yang dilahirkan pada pukul 1 pagi Selasa itu kemudian diberi kepada rakan perempuannya tanpa memberitahu isi kandungan beg itu.
"Mayat bayi perempuan yang cukup sifat ditemui dalam beg galas itu apabila doktor yang merawat pelajar terbabit menghubungi rakan pelajar itu dan memintanya membawakan beg berkenaan," kata Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Terengganu ACP K. Manoharan.
Beliau berkata penipuan pelajar Tingkatan Empat sebuah sekolah menengah di Kuala Terengganu itu terbongkar pada pukul 6 petang Selasa apabila doktor yang merawatnya
mendapati dia baru melahirkan anak.
"Pelajar berusia 16 tahun itu kemudian mengaku kepada doktor itu bahawa dia melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan di asrama sekolahnya," katanya kepada pemberita hari ini.
Beliau berkata hasil siasatan di tempat pelajar itu melahirkan bayinya, polis menemui gunting yang dipercayai diguna untuk memotong tali pusat bayi dan dibuang dalam tong sampah.
Berdasarkan laporan bedah siasat terhadap bayi itu mendapati ada kesan lebam pada kepala dan terdapat air dalam paru-paru serta pendarahan yang teruk, katanya.
Beliau berkata kes itu disiasat mengikut Seksyen 309 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menyebabkan kematian.
- Bernama
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Sri Silambam Korvai Club
About Indian Martial Art - Silambam Mission we aim to achieve following objectives through our club:
1. Encourage Indian students to learn about their own martial art and culture
2. Make sure that children stay healthy and competitive in life
3. Teach self discipline as well as humility to our students.
4. Provide a venue for students to make new friends and build rapport with others Description A Dravidian martial art from Tamil Nadu in south India but also practiced by the Tamil community of Sri Lanka and Malaysia
Nexus 7 - I Pad by Google
The much-awaited tablet called Nexus 7 has been released during the first day of the Google I/O conference that will last for almost three days. Analysts were, thus, able to get a glimpse of the new device and test Google’s new operating system, Android 4.1.
In addition to the Jelly Bean system, Google endowed Nexus 7 with many other improved options. The tablet is available in two versions, one with 8 GB and another one with 16 GB. The device comes with a 1.2-megapixel front camera, a Tegra 3 processor, as well as a seven-inch (17 cm) 1280 x 800 HD display. Depending on the type of activity you perform with the device, the tablet’s battery life could last up to eight hours.
Google has collaborated with the Taiwanese company, Asus, for the production of Nexus 7. Customers will spend approximately $209 for the 8 GB version and $259 if they want to purchase the 16 GB model. Analysts think the device is a strong competitor for Amazon's Kindle Fire because both tablets run with Google’s Android. The other tablets available on the market, such as, Microsoft’s Surface and iPad are much too expensive to be taken into consideration as competitors for Google’s Nexus.
The online company made several other important announcements on Wednesday. Android Market was, thus, replaced by Google Play, an online store where tablet and smartphone users can acquire music, movies, books and mobile applications. Given that the multinational corporation is trying to compete with Apple and Amazon’s online stores, Google Play will expand its services by offering TV shows, movies and even magazines to its customers.
Nexus Q is the second device that was released during the Wednesday conference. The media streaming device was designed to be used with a stereo system or a TV in order to access You Tube and Google play with the help of an Android-based smartphone or a tablet.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Google Glass

What are they?
Google Glass Explorer Edition is the first product to come out of the company's Project Glass. At its most basic level, the Glass is a device that lets you show and interact with the world around you, without disconnecting from it.
The Glass is designed to be out of the way, so it doesn't interfere with your activity. According to Google, it weighs less than most sunglasses. On the side is a touch pad for control, on top is a button for shooting photos and videos with the built-in camera, and there's a small information display positioned above the eye, just out of the line of sight.
The actual spec details that were given were pretty light, other than to say that it has a camera, multiple radios for data communication, a speaker and a mic and a gyroscope, so the Glass can tell your position and orientation, at all times.
What can I do with them?
While they may eventually lead you through every aspect of your waking life, in their current state of development, it looks like you'll be able to do things such as have Google+ Hangouts, live-stream video, snap pictures or shoot some movies and share what you capture with little effort. Google search is almost certain to be part of its early capabilities, as well.
What's it like to wear them?
CNET's own Rafe Needleman was one of the first journalists to get hands-on (heads-on?) with the prototype Google Glass product. Rafe was allowed to try on the prototype glasses, offered by Google co-founder Sergey Brin. He reports:
The glasses have audio output to the right ear only, and there's no ear bud — the sound just leaks into space. Best practice is to cup your hand over your ear and the glasses temple, to amplify the sound. This works well, and Brin says the social gesture of cupping your hand over your ear alerts people near you that you are paying attention to the device.
Disabled were all the really cool features — SMS, alerts and the capability to read Brin's email. Brin says that he has his glasses set up to not bother him with email text. He gets an audible alert when a high-priority email comes in, and only if he looks up (tilts his head up) does the message display.
The titanium-framed glasses headset was comfortable and very light. I had to take off my prescription lenses to wear the Google Glasses, but Google designer Isabelle Olsson (a former eyewear designer) says the company is working with glasses manufacturers, to serve glasses-wearing users.
Want now! When can I get mine?
Not anytime soon. The Google Glass Explorer Edition is only available to developers as a pre-order for US-based I/O attendees for US$1500, and they won't receive them until early 2013. Brin has said that consumers can expect Google Glass to become available in 2014.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Raghavendra Swami
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Photo from Ulu Tiram Ragavendra Illam |
Raghavendra Swami (1595–1671 CE) was a Hindu saint and philosopher who served as the head of the Sri Mutt in Kumbakonam from 1624 to 1636. He wrote a commentary Sudha Parimala on the Nyaya Sudha, an exposition of Dvaita philosophy. His samadhi in Mantralayam in the present-day Andhra Pradesh is an important place of pilgrimage. The numerous miracles he performed have led to him being worshipped even today in the form of god and he is believed to be the saviour for those who placed faith in him.
Raghavendra was born Venkatanatha in the town of Bhuvanagiri in the present-day Tamil Nadu to Kannada-speaking Madhwa Brahmin parents in 1595, 1598 or 1601. After having his initial education under his brother-in-law Lakshminarasimhachar, Venkatanatha was admitted to the Sri Mutt in Kumbakonam where he took sanyasa and adopted the name Raghavendra Theertha. Raghavendra succeeded his guru Sudheendra Theertha as the head of the Sri Mutt and served from 1624 to 1636. He travelled all over South India expounding Madhvacharya's Dvaita philosophy and is attributed with a number of miracles. In 1671, after assuring his disciples in a speech that he will be in spirit with them for the next eight hundred years, Raghavendra attained samadhi at Mantralayam.
Ragas and cinema hits
Johor Bahru- Ragas and Cinema Hits is another classy production by
Temple of Fine Arts Johor Bahru which will be held on JUNE 29-30, 2012
at 8pm and 7.30pm.
This concert takes you on a journey of reminiscence as the TFA
musicians and singers will perform hits by some of the most famous music
directors of Tamil cinema.
Audience will be shown how music directors used Carnatic ragas to give the touch of clasical to their hits.
Organisers welcomes all music lovers to come and enjoy the incredible
and inspiring influence of Indian classical music on cinema and lovers
of cinema.
Funds raised from the event will be channelled to the building funds.
Temple of Fine arts is a dedicated NGO promoting an Indian classical
music and arts. Their aim is to help Malaysian youth rediscover the
cultural, artistic and spiritual wealth of their forefathers and to make
it relevant for themselves and for future generations to come.
For further information please contact the Temple of Fine Arts Johor Bahru at 607-2227400.
Johor Bahru
Monday, June 25, 2012
Split it : Ipad Keyboard
Have you ever found yourself wanting to use the keyboard on your iPad with just your thumbs? Actually with iOS 5 you can. A new split keyboard on iPad lets you tap out a message using your thumbs. Just pull apart the keyboard by swiping with both thumbs from the center outward, or tap the little keyboard icon in the lower right corner and pull it up, the keyboard will split in two and be much easier to type on using your thumbs while holding the device.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Pontian District
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Sunset at Pontian |
Pontian is noted for its variety of seafood which is sold at a reasonable price. Visitors from neighbouring towns and Singapore regularly visit Kukup, a fishing village about 20 km from Pontian Kechil. Notable national parks in Pontian include Tanjung Piai.
Pontian Kechil is situated 1.5 hours (via bus) from Johor Bahru (Capital of Johor State) via Jalan Johor. Other notable towns in Pontian include Ayer Baloi and Benut, north of Pontian Kechil. To the south and east of Pontian Kechil respectively are the towns of Teluk Kerang and Pekan Nanas.
Especially along coastal areas, Pontian is populated by Malays of Bugis and Javanese descent. The Chinese community in Pontian predominantly belongs to the Fujian (Hokkien) dialect group.
This town is also site as the observatory to look for the crescent moon to mark the beginning of Muslim month of Ramadhan, Shawwal, and Zulhijjah, to celebrate fasting month of Ramadhan, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Pontian Kechil is subdivided into few area namely:
- Jalan Kukup - South of Main Traffic Junction heading to Kukup.
- Jalan Bakek - North of Main Traffic Junction until Sg Pontian Kechil Bridge.
- Jalan Alsagoff - North of Sg Pontian Kechil Bridge until Sg Pontian Besar Bridge.
- Jalan Johor/Batu 36 - East of Main Traffic Junction heading to Johor Bahru.
- Jalan Parit Mesjid - East of Old Police Station Junction. Another Highly Populated Area.
Samsung Smart Cameras 2012 - Wi-Fi Direct
Wi-Fi Direct lets you quickly share your pictures and video directly from your Wi-Fi Direct enabled Smart Camera to another device like your Smartphone. Follow along to learn how to use Wi-Fi direct. This content has provided SPSN. To watch more videos from SPSN, visit Thank you for watching!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Singapore babes exchanged racist jokes about Indians on Facebook
Barely one month after two Singapore girls found themselves embroiled
in a storm over alleged racist remarks posted online, another two babes
were caught making racist jokes about Indians on Facebook.
Attached below is a snapshot of a Facebook conversation sent to us by an angry reader:
According to her Facebook profile, Cynthia’s last job was an associate at Changi Airport Group. It is not known where she is working now.
Under the draconian Sedition Act, one can be charged and jailed for making racist remarks detrimental to racial harmony in Singapore.
Two years ago, three Singaporean polytechnic male students were arrested by the police for making racist remarks on Facebook and were publicly shamed in the media. However, it appears that no stern action has been taken by the police against the women whom made similar remarks so far.
From :
Attached below is a snapshot of a Facebook conversation sent to us by an angry reader:
According to her Facebook profile, Cynthia’s last job was an associate at Changi Airport Group. It is not known where she is working now.
Under the draconian Sedition Act, one can be charged and jailed for making racist remarks detrimental to racial harmony in Singapore.
Two years ago, three Singaporean polytechnic male students were arrested by the police for making racist remarks on Facebook and were publicly shamed in the media. However, it appears that no stern action has been taken by the police against the women whom made similar remarks so far.
From :
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tadoba Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra, a male tiger killed
This is not a photo from the 19th century... this is 2012.
Tadoba Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra, a male tiger killed in its prime by organised poaching gangs, stalled by a metal trap, and later killed. its body cut into pieces with head and limbs missing. all to fuel the illegal demand of tiger body parts in China and S-E Asia. the Parliament needs to stop discussing cartoons and IPL, and take strong step against poaching...
shoot-at-sight orders in protected sanctuaries and reserves seems to be the only solution...
kill the heartless bastards...!!
the world is better without them.. and yes, please do not like this photo.
Each SHARE will increase awareness among all INDIANS over the whole world.
Thank you!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Another fiasco for Indian students - By Saminathan
More shocking news awaits Malaysian Indian students who were denied entry to matriculation program when an Indian NGO revealed that no circular on 1000 additional matriculation seats for Indian students was issued to the Ministry of Education (MOE).
Speaking to Citizen Journalists Malaysia (CJMY), the president of Malaysian Indian Education Transformation Association (MIETA) Elangovan Annamalai said that many parents of affected students who have gone to Ministry of Education at Putrajaya to clarify reasons for rejection expressed their disappointment and anger when they were told that no circulars were issued on additional 1000 seats for Indian students.
More stories ...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
True Story of a Father's Love : The Real Iron Man
Yes You Can!
Team Hoyt is an inspirational story of a
father, Dick Hoyt, and his son, Rick, who compete together in marathons
and triathlons across the country.Team Hoyt
strives to help those who are physically disabled become active members
of the community. Join us in spreading Team Hoyt's message, "Yes You
Read moreTamil Songs With Lyrics: Aariro - Deiva Thirumagal : Happy Fathers Day!
Tamil Songs With Lyrics: Aariro - Deiva Thirumagal : Happy Fathers Day!: Singers: Haricharan Composer: G.V. Prakash Kumar Lyrics: Na. Muthukumar Aariro Aariro Ithu Thanthaiyin Thaalaatu Bhoomiyae...
Friday, June 15, 2012
Marketeer fights off abductors
As I sit here writing this, I am just so grateful to be alive.
To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.
It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.
At this moment, second man appeared. He was also in his mid-30s. He was wearing a red t-shirt, had a crewcut, and was of Malay descent. He grabbed my car keys and demanded for my parking ticket. I couldn't remember where it was. They shoved me deeper into the car, and the Indian man got into the back seat with me, while the Malay man got into the driver's seat, driving us out of the carpark.
I told them they could take everything, just let me go. But at that point they didn't even ask for money. Instead, the Indian man started to make sexual advances. Then it hit me. "Oh my God. Oh my God. This is really happening. I'm being kidnapped.. and I think I know what they want."
From this moment on, there were a few crucial things that happened that I think is the reason I'm alive today.
1. I managed to get into a position to escape.
When they got into the car, the Indian man had tried to force my body down onto the floor. I knew that the moment I'm on the floor, there would be no chance of escape. So I begged him to let me sit up. I promised him I wouldn't scream or alert anyone's attention. Thankfully, he trusted me, and let me sit up, gripping my arm tightly. Then I told him my arm really hurt and to please not grip it so hard. He loosened his grip.
2. I did not fight for the sake of fighting.
I was in an enclosed space, with no clear escape route. I would never win in a fight with these 2 guys, especially when they have sharp weapons. Had I fought from the get go, I may not have been in a position to escape. I might've even been knocked out cold, and God only knows where I would be right now.
3. I was lucky and sneaky.
I knew that the only way to escape, was to jump out of the car, even if it was moving. They had locked the car doors. So I leaned back, pretended to scratch my hair, and shakily unlocked the door I was leaning against. I'm so lucky they did not see or hear this!
4. I went 'crazy' at the right time.
And then I waited. I knew that the car would have to slow down outside the parking lot, as it exits to merge with the main roads. The moment it slowed down, I opened the car door and tried to make a run for it. I failed. I kicked my legs out of the car, but the Indian man had managed to pull my body back in. From this moment on, everything is a blur. I remember the Malay driver temporarily stopping the car, leaning over from the driver's seat and attempting to close the door and pull my legs in. At that point I remember thinking, "Even if I don't get out now, I need to keep the door open and my legs out the door. At the very least, it should cause a scene, and someone would see me. Or, the door might hit another car and they'll be forced to slow down." So I continued kicking. My right foot pushed against the wide-open car door to keep it open. I recall elbowing, struggling, kicking, and even biting. I lost my glasses, and was struggling blindly for my life. At some point the Malay driver yelled, "BAGI DIA LEPAS! BAGI DIA LEPAS!" (Let her go! Let her go!) and the Indian man loosened his grip. I made a jump out of the still-moving car, and ran for my life.
5. I acted in spite of the fear.
My friends said I was brave. But I didn't feel like it. I was quivering and shaking in fear. I was so afraid. I thought I was going to die. I was weak with fear and deathly afraid. I truly thought "this was it". But I knew I HAD to move. I had to run. Or there would be a worser fate in store for me. While I was quaking in fear, I forced myself to look around and see if there was any way I could escape, or even catch someone's eye.
6. I remembered the people I love.
The only thing that matters when you're faced with potentially horrendous fate, is the people in your life. When I felt the knife to my neck, the first thing I thought was , "This cannot be happening. I must be dreaming." The second? The people that truly matter to me flashed across my mind. It sounds cliche, but it's true. I thought of my parents. My brother. Khailee. Esther. More people. That's all I could think of for a few moments, before I thought, "Shit. I need to get out of here."
I ran towards the Maybank outlet at the Curve. There were plenty of people milling around. I screamed for help over and over again. I was hysterical. I grabbed an older Malay man by his shoulders and begged for help before practically collapsing at his feet.
I will always remember the relief and liberation I felt, running over Mutiara Damansara's manicured grass and into the crowd.
Today, I found out that the entire ordeal from the moment I left the parking ticket payment machine, to my escape, happened in about 4 minutes. To me, it felt like one long nightmare.
We never think its going to happen to us... and then it does. I used to think that this is something that happens only in the papers and to people far, far removed from me. But then it did happen to me. I moved to PJ/KL 6 years ago, and I've spent countless mornings, afternoons and nights at The Curve. When my friends and I were organizing Rock Up! back in 2008, we were walking around the place at 4AM even. It's been 6 years, and never once did I feel that I was unsafe at The Curve. Until yesterday.
I feel like moving out of the country ASAP. Getting the hell out of this state where you hear of a kidnapping or attempted one every month (remember Nayati?), or a snatch theft every week. And yet I'm fully aware of the fact that in another country with more lax firearm laws, they would've been holding a gun to my head, not a cleaver. And that would've been so, so much worse.
I'm Blessed. By God's grace, I am alive and relatively well. And I will live another day to build another cat iPhone app. It just was not my time to go. And for that, I thank God.
I want to share this story with everyone because cops tell me that they rarely get to hear it from someone who escapes.
Girls, be so very careful. Be vigilant, and please try not to go anywhere alone. If you need to walk to the carpark, and you're alone, get a guard to go with you. I was recently told that it's part of their job description to assist anyone if needed.
Guys, watch out for your girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters and friends. Walk with them, don't take their paranoia or fear lightly. Watch out for them.
And everyone, just watch out for each other. Take care of each other. These things really DO happen. As I ran out of the car, so many people came to help me. Strangers who didn't know who I was, came forward and offered me tissue paper, water, cellphones, and general comfort.
Malaysians, please care for one another. You already do. Just keep on caring. Keep watching out for each other. Don't worry about being thought of as "busy body" or "overreacting". The world can be a cruel place, but all it takes is for people to care for one another to make all the difference.
To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.
It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.
At this moment, second man appeared. He was also in his mid-30s. He was wearing a red t-shirt, had a crewcut, and was of Malay descent. He grabbed my car keys and demanded for my parking ticket. I couldn't remember where it was. They shoved me deeper into the car, and the Indian man got into the back seat with me, while the Malay man got into the driver's seat, driving us out of the carpark.
I told them they could take everything, just let me go. But at that point they didn't even ask for money. Instead, the Indian man started to make sexual advances. Then it hit me. "Oh my God. Oh my God. This is really happening. I'm being kidnapped.. and I think I know what they want."
From this moment on, there were a few crucial things that happened that I think is the reason I'm alive today.
1. I managed to get into a position to escape.
When they got into the car, the Indian man had tried to force my body down onto the floor. I knew that the moment I'm on the floor, there would be no chance of escape. So I begged him to let me sit up. I promised him I wouldn't scream or alert anyone's attention. Thankfully, he trusted me, and let me sit up, gripping my arm tightly. Then I told him my arm really hurt and to please not grip it so hard. He loosened his grip.
2. I did not fight for the sake of fighting.
I was in an enclosed space, with no clear escape route. I would never win in a fight with these 2 guys, especially when they have sharp weapons. Had I fought from the get go, I may not have been in a position to escape. I might've even been knocked out cold, and God only knows where I would be right now.
3. I was lucky and sneaky.
I knew that the only way to escape, was to jump out of the car, even if it was moving. They had locked the car doors. So I leaned back, pretended to scratch my hair, and shakily unlocked the door I was leaning against. I'm so lucky they did not see or hear this!
4. I went 'crazy' at the right time.
And then I waited. I knew that the car would have to slow down outside the parking lot, as it exits to merge with the main roads. The moment it slowed down, I opened the car door and tried to make a run for it. I failed. I kicked my legs out of the car, but the Indian man had managed to pull my body back in. From this moment on, everything is a blur. I remember the Malay driver temporarily stopping the car, leaning over from the driver's seat and attempting to close the door and pull my legs in. At that point I remember thinking, "Even if I don't get out now, I need to keep the door open and my legs out the door. At the very least, it should cause a scene, and someone would see me. Or, the door might hit another car and they'll be forced to slow down." So I continued kicking. My right foot pushed against the wide-open car door to keep it open. I recall elbowing, struggling, kicking, and even biting. I lost my glasses, and was struggling blindly for my life. At some point the Malay driver yelled, "BAGI DIA LEPAS! BAGI DIA LEPAS!" (Let her go! Let her go!) and the Indian man loosened his grip. I made a jump out of the still-moving car, and ran for my life.
5. I acted in spite of the fear.
My friends said I was brave. But I didn't feel like it. I was quivering and shaking in fear. I was so afraid. I thought I was going to die. I was weak with fear and deathly afraid. I truly thought "this was it". But I knew I HAD to move. I had to run. Or there would be a worser fate in store for me. While I was quaking in fear, I forced myself to look around and see if there was any way I could escape, or even catch someone's eye.
6. I remembered the people I love.
The only thing that matters when you're faced with potentially horrendous fate, is the people in your life. When I felt the knife to my neck, the first thing I thought was , "This cannot be happening. I must be dreaming." The second? The people that truly matter to me flashed across my mind. It sounds cliche, but it's true. I thought of my parents. My brother. Khailee. Esther. More people. That's all I could think of for a few moments, before I thought, "Shit. I need to get out of here."
I ran towards the Maybank outlet at the Curve. There were plenty of people milling around. I screamed for help over and over again. I was hysterical. I grabbed an older Malay man by his shoulders and begged for help before practically collapsing at his feet.
I will always remember the relief and liberation I felt, running over Mutiara Damansara's manicured grass and into the crowd.
Today, I found out that the entire ordeal from the moment I left the parking ticket payment machine, to my escape, happened in about 4 minutes. To me, it felt like one long nightmare.
We never think its going to happen to us... and then it does. I used to think that this is something that happens only in the papers and to people far, far removed from me. But then it did happen to me. I moved to PJ/KL 6 years ago, and I've spent countless mornings, afternoons and nights at The Curve. When my friends and I were organizing Rock Up! back in 2008, we were walking around the place at 4AM even. It's been 6 years, and never once did I feel that I was unsafe at The Curve. Until yesterday.
I feel like moving out of the country ASAP. Getting the hell out of this state where you hear of a kidnapping or attempted one every month (remember Nayati?), or a snatch theft every week. And yet I'm fully aware of the fact that in another country with more lax firearm laws, they would've been holding a gun to my head, not a cleaver. And that would've been so, so much worse.
I'm Blessed. By God's grace, I am alive and relatively well. And I will live another day to build another cat iPhone app. It just was not my time to go. And for that, I thank God.
I want to share this story with everyone because cops tell me that they rarely get to hear it from someone who escapes.
Girls, be so very careful. Be vigilant, and please try not to go anywhere alone. If you need to walk to the carpark, and you're alone, get a guard to go with you. I was recently told that it's part of their job description to assist anyone if needed.
Guys, watch out for your girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters and friends. Walk with them, don't take their paranoia or fear lightly. Watch out for them.
And everyone, just watch out for each other. Take care of each other. These things really DO happen. As I ran out of the car, so many people came to help me. Strangers who didn't know who I was, came forward and offered me tissue paper, water, cellphones, and general comfort.
Malaysians, please care for one another. You already do. Just keep on caring. Keep watching out for each other. Don't worry about being thought of as "busy body" or "overreacting". The world can be a cruel place, but all it takes is for people to care for one another to make all the difference.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Missing School Girl
Missing Person: Victoria Vimelia, 14 yrs old (Penang). Please call Stanley 016-4455678 if you have information on her whereabouts.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sci-Tech / Gadgets : Apple kicks Google Maps off iPhone,adds Facebook
Apple is kicking an important Google application off its iPhone and buddying up with Facebook rather than Google’s social network, as it distances itself from a bitter rival in the phone arena.
Google’s Maps application has resided on the iPhone since Apple launched the very first version of the phone in 2007. It’s one of the core apps on the phone, and can’t be deleted by the user.
But on Monday, Apple executives said Google Maps will be replaced by an Apple-developed app in iOS 6, the new operating system for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. It’s set to be released late this year.
Apple and Google are locked in a fight over the attention of hundreds of millions of phone users, and the advertising opportunities that come with owning a mapping application.
Smartphones from companies like Samsung and Google’s own Motorola division are the chief alternatives to the iPhone, and Apple has been suing those manufacturers in court, accusing them of ripping off the iPhone’s ground-breaking features.
Apple also said it’s building Facebook into iOS 6, snubbing the Google Plus social network. Users will be able to update their Facebook status by talking to their phones, and “like” movies and apps in Apple’s iTunes store, Apple executive Scott Forstall said.
The announcements were part of the keynote presentation that kicked off Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Apple presented new features in both phone and Mac software, plus updated laptops. But investors were mildly disappointed, as they expected more substantive news, like a hint of Apple’s ambition to get into making TVs. Analysts had speculated that Apple would at least update the software on the Apple TV, a small box that connects a TV set to iTunes for movie downloads, as a prelude to perhaps launching a fully integrated TV set.
Apple shares closed down $9.15, or 1.6 percent, at $571.17.
Apple updates its iOS software every year, to coincide with the launch of a new iPhone.
Among other updates in iOS 6, Apple’s voice-command application Siri will add a host of new languages, including Spanish, Korean and Mandarin Chinese, Forstall said. “She” will also be able to launch applications and movies, and will run on iPads for the first time.
Apple also said the new version of its Mac operating system, Mountain Lion, will go on sale next month for $20. The update brings features from Apple’s phone and tablet software, like the iMessage texting application, to the Mac.
Microsoft Corp., Apple’s competitor when it comes to computer software, is also making Windows more like its phone software, with the release of Windows 8 later this year. A key difference is that Microsoft is betting that PCs will have touch screens, while Apple is betting they won’t.
Mountain Lion will also bring dictation to Macs. Users will be able to input text by talking to the computer, in any program. This is already a feature of Microsoft Corp.’s competing Windows software.
On the hardware side, Apple showed off a laptop with a super-high resolution “Retina” display, setting a new standard for screen sharpness.
The new MacBook Pro will have a 15-inch screen and four times the resolution of previous models, Apple executive Phil Schiller said.
Apple already uses “Retina” displays with individual pixels too small to be distinguished by the naked eye in its latest iPhones and iPads.
On the phones and tablets, the Retina display is a standard feature. On the MacBook, it’s an expensive upgrade. The new MacBook will cost $2199 and up, $400 more than the non-Retina MacBook with the same-sized screen.
The new MacBook borrows features from the ultra-slim MacBook Air. It’s only slightly thicker, and like the Air, lacks a DVD drive. Instead of a spinning hard drive, it uses flash memory for storage. In the most radical departure from the last decades of PC design, it lacks an Ethernet port. Those who don’t want to use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet will have to buy an adapter that goes into the MacBook’s “Thunderbolt” port.
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Gadgets : Apple kicks Google Maps off iPhone, adds Facebook
Google’s Maps application has resided on the iPhone since Apple launched the very first version of the phone in 2007. It’s one of the core apps on the phone, and can’t be deleted by the user.
But on Monday, Apple executives said Google Maps will be replaced by an Apple-developed app in iOS 6, the new operating system for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. It’s set to be released late this year.
Apple and Google are locked in a fight over the attention of hundreds of millions of phone users, and the advertising opportunities that come with owning a mapping application.
Smartphones from companies like Samsung and Google’s own Motorola division are the chief alternatives to the iPhone, and Apple has been suing those manufacturers in court, accusing them of ripping off the iPhone’s ground-breaking features.
Apple also said it’s building Facebook into iOS 6, snubbing the Google Plus social network. Users will be able to update their Facebook status by talking to their phones, and “like” movies and apps in Apple’s iTunes store, Apple executive Scott Forstall said.
The announcements were part of the keynote presentation that kicked off Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Apple presented new features in both phone and Mac software, plus updated laptops. But investors were mildly disappointed, as they expected more substantive news, like a hint of Apple’s ambition to get into making TVs. Analysts had speculated that Apple would at least update the software on the Apple TV, a small box that connects a TV set to iTunes for movie downloads, as a prelude to perhaps launching a fully integrated TV set.
Apple shares closed down $9.15, or 1.6 percent, at $571.17.
Apple updates its iOS software every year, to coincide with the launch of a new iPhone.
Among other updates in iOS 6, Apple’s voice-command application Siri will add a host of new languages, including Spanish, Korean and Mandarin Chinese, Forstall said. “She” will also be able to launch applications and movies, and will run on iPads for the first time.
Apple also said the new version of its Mac operating system, Mountain Lion, will go on sale next month for $20. The update brings features from Apple’s phone and tablet software, like the iMessage texting application, to the Mac.
Microsoft Corp., Apple’s competitor when it comes to computer software, is also making Windows more like its phone software, with the release of Windows 8 later this year. A key difference is that Microsoft is betting that PCs will have touch screens, while Apple is betting they won’t.
Mountain Lion will also bring dictation to Macs. Users will be able to input text by talking to the computer, in any program. This is already a feature of Microsoft Corp.’s competing Windows software.
On the hardware side, Apple showed off a laptop with a super-high resolution “Retina” display, setting a new standard for screen sharpness.
The new MacBook Pro will have a 15-inch screen and four times the resolution of previous models, Apple executive Phil Schiller said.
Apple already uses “Retina” displays with individual pixels too small to be distinguished by the naked eye in its latest iPhones and iPads.
On the phones and tablets, the Retina display is a standard feature. On the MacBook, it’s an expensive upgrade. The new MacBook will cost $2199 and up, $400 more than the non-Retina MacBook with the same-sized screen.
The new MacBook borrows features from the ultra-slim MacBook Air. It’s only slightly thicker, and like the Air, lacks a DVD drive. Instead of a spinning hard drive, it uses flash memory for storage. In the most radical departure from the last decades of PC design, it lacks an Ethernet port. Those who don’t want to use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet will have to buy an adapter that goes into the MacBook’s “Thunderbolt” port.
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Gadgets : Apple kicks Google Maps off iPhone, adds Facebook
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Muslims and Buddhists Clashes: Myanmar
A cycle of apparent revenge attacks has gripped the state following the recent rape and murder of a Rakhine woman.
Last Sunday, an angry Buddhist mob mistakenly believing the perpetrators of the rape were on board a bus beat 10 Muslim passengers to death.
Rioting then flared Friday when at least four Buddhists were killed in the state, with a second wave of violence in remote villages early Saturday.
Police and military units have been deployed to bring an end to the unrest, in which 17 people were also wounded and nearly 500 houses destroyed, according to official media.
Myanmar's Muslims -- of Indian, Chinese and Bangladeshi descent -- account for an estimated four percent of the roughly 60 million population in a country where experts say many people believe Buddhism forms an intrinsic part of national identity.
According to the UN, Myanmar has an estimated 750,000 Rohingya, living mainly in Rakhine. Another one million or more are thought to live in other countries.
Authorities in Bangladesh on Sunday said they were stepping up security along the border and in the refugee camps where around 300,000 Rohingya live.
President Thein Sein has overseen dramatic political reforms in Myanmar, which has begun to open to the outside world after decades of isolation.
The regime has also signed tentative ceasefire deals with a number of rebel groups in recent months as it seeks to draw a line under civil conflicts that have racked parts of the country since independence in 1948.
However, conflict continues to rage in the far north of the country.
Last Sunday, an angry Buddhist mob mistakenly believing the perpetrators of the rape were on board a bus beat 10 Muslim passengers to death.
Rioting then flared Friday when at least four Buddhists were killed in the state, with a second wave of violence in remote villages early Saturday.
Police and military units have been deployed to bring an end to the unrest, in which 17 people were also wounded and nearly 500 houses destroyed, according to official media.
Myanmar's Muslims -- of Indian, Chinese and Bangladeshi descent -- account for an estimated four percent of the roughly 60 million population in a country where experts say many people believe Buddhism forms an intrinsic part of national identity.
According to the UN, Myanmar has an estimated 750,000 Rohingya, living mainly in Rakhine. Another one million or more are thought to live in other countries.
Authorities in Bangladesh on Sunday said they were stepping up security along the border and in the refugee camps where around 300,000 Rohingya live.
President Thein Sein has overseen dramatic political reforms in Myanmar, which has begun to open to the outside world after decades of isolation.
The regime has also signed tentative ceasefire deals with a number of rebel groups in recent months as it seeks to draw a line under civil conflicts that have racked parts of the country since independence in 1948.
However, conflict continues to rage in the far north of the country.
Euro 2012: Mario Mandzukic
Croatia's Mario Mandzukic celebrates scoring the opening goal during the Euro 2012 soccer championship Group C match between the Republic of Ireland and Croatia.
BN YBs edge Mkini in b-ball rematch
A BN team of upper and lower house members of Parliament exacted revenge during their second meeting with Malaysiakini staff in the YbsCanJump tournament yesterday.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
From the New York Times bestselling author of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES comes the true history of our sixteenth president - Seth Grahame-Smith's ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Simpang Maut - Skudai
>Skudai, Johor - Pada hari ini, 6 Jun 2012, jam lebih kurang 8.15mlm telah berlaku kemalangan di simpang masuk ke Taman Harmoni 2. Pembonceng motosikal telah dilanggar kereta jenis Myvi yang datang dari arah Gelang Patah ke Skudai meninggal dunia di tempat kemalangan. Mangsa bernama Abdullah Bin Abdul Wahab umur 28 tahun yang tinggal di Taman Universiti. Saya berasa sungguh sedih dan hampa terhadap individu-individu yang tidak mengambil berat apabila 2 tahun lalu saya dan penduduk telah memohon untuk memasang lampu isyarat di simpang tersebut.
Jalan ini terlalu gelap serta tidak mempunyai papan tanda. Jika permintaan kami ditelitikan mungkin nyawa ini telah dapat diselamatkan.
Apabila saya mengadu masalah ini kepada Dr Yb Boo Cheng Hau, beliau berkata beliau telah berbincang di dewan negeri mengenainya. Menurut beliau masalah adalah dibawah JKR .Ahli Majlis, Kannan berkata kos pemasangan lampu isyarat adalah memakan belanja yang tinggi iaitu 2 ratus ribu. Terdapat banyak lagi masalah di simpang tersebut seperti lampu jalan tidak terang, tiada papan tanda tiada speed reducer.
Saya akan mengambil tandatangan sokongan serta menyerahkan memorandom kepada Menteri Besar Johor pada minggu hadapan.
Terima kasih
Pengerusi DAP Cawangan Taman Nesa
Akshaya Patra; Feeding Over 1.3 Million Children Daily!
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one of the world's largest NGO-run midday meal programs feeding over 1.3 million children in over 9,000 schools throughout 10 states of India. A public-private partnership, Akshaya Patra combines good management, innovative technology and smart engineering to deliver school lunch at a fraction of the cost of similar programs in other parts of the world. It costs Akshaya Patra only $15 to feed a child for an entire year. This meal gives these children an incentive to come to school, stay in school and provides them with the necessary nutrients they need to develop their cognitive abilities to focus on learning. The organization also sources its food stocks from local markets, thereby reducing costs associated with transportation and food spoilage while supporting the local economy. For more info please visit
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Effingham Tamil School -Special Prayers
Return Effingam Land Action Team(REFLAX) will conduct a special prayers at Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman Kg Kayu Ara pada 8th Jun 2012 at 7pm.
The aim of prayers is to get back the land taken by MIC which was in the beginning given to the school by developer. For further information please contact Mr.Palanivelan(0166565339)
The aim of prayers is to get back the land taken by MIC which was in the beginning given to the school by developer. For further information please contact Mr.Palanivelan(0166565339)
Award for best video goes to Satish Kumar from Penang and best article goes to Thomas Tan.
PKR Selvakumar on Mount Austin Tamil School (Tamil)

Comparing with Midland Tamil School which built with latest state of art with only 4 million, he said the 4 million ringgit for the Mount Austin Tamil School is only going to be stolen by cronies.
SJK(T) Mount Austin Tamil school was built in 1957 with 100 pupils enrolled. Frequent floods damaging the school’s building caused the school transferred to a temporary building of another school. The problem of this school have been discussed in parliament in year 2004 (DR-25052004, page 15) but the school is still not rebuild until now (2012).
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SJK(T) Mount Austin in year 2003 - Satellite Image from Google earth |
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2012 - Old SJK(T) Mount Austin land turned into industrial area. Why the school is not rebuild in the same place? |
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When all the other school remains in Taman Mount Austin, new housing area and college built. Why the Tamil school shifted to new place? |
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