Thursday, June 7, 2012

Effingham Tamil School -Special Prayers

Return Effingam Land Action Team(REFLAX) will conduct a special prayers at Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman Kg Kayu Ara pada 8th Jun 2012 at 7pm.

The aim of prayers is to get back the land taken by MIC which was in the beginning given to the school by developer. For further information please contact Mr.Palanivelan(0166565339)


Award for best video goes to Satish Kumar from Penang and best article goes to Thomas Tan.

PKR Selvakumar on Mount Austin Tamil School (Tamil)

Selvakumar’s speech during ceramah at Puteri Wangsa (3rd June 2012) touching on Mount Austin Tamil School Johor Bahru, where the land was taken years ago and now the Tamil school operating temporarily in Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Taman Mount Austin 2 since 2005. He claims that 4 million ringgit is approved recently but some people in power are holding on it; refuse to release the fund by giving excuse that they needed another 2 million ringgit to build the school.
Comparing with Midland Tamil School which built with latest state of art with only 4 million, he said the 4 million ringgit for the Mount Austin Tamil School is only going to be stolen by cronies.
SJK(T) Mount Austin Tamil school was built in 1957 with 100 pupils enrolled. Frequent floods damaging the school’s building caused the school transferred to a temporary building of another school. The problem of this school have been discussed in parliament in year 2004 (DR-25052004, page 15) but the school is still not rebuild until now (2012).

SJK(T) Mount Austin in year 2003 - Satellite Image from Google earth

2012 - Old SJK(T) Mount Austin land turned into industrial area. Why the school is not rebuild in the same place?

When all the other school remains in Taman Mount Austin, new housing area and college built. Why the Tamil school shifted to new place?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1500 Gather at Johor PKR Ceramah

1500 Indian Malaysians attended the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) ceramah held last Sunday to hear about real issues faced by Indians in Malaysia today.
Among the leaders that attended the ceramah were Selangor exco Dr Xavier Jayakumar, Senawang Adun P Gunasegaran, PKR vice-president N Surendran, Ulu Tiram PAS candidate R Kumutha, Johor PKR deputy president Selva Kumar, Skudai Adun Dr Boo Cheng Hau, ex-ISA detainee K Vasanthakumar among others.
The event included the lighting up of the Indian tradiononal lamp, singing of national anthem and even took a small break to pay respect during Azan.
Adun Senawang, P Gunasegaram started the ceramah with fiery speech which echoed throughout the field touching on issues such as Ambiga’s humiliation with the burger protest, the problem with citizenship of Indian Malaysians and racial remarks aimed at Indians of this country.
Among the other issues spoken about is Taman Mount Austin Tamil School, lack of Tamil school teacher and Indian leaders in PKR.

Ex- Ulu Tiram state seat candidate Kumutha Raman.

1500 attended the ceramah and stayed right until the end of program.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pangsapuri Kos Rendah Mount Austin - Sesi Dialog Panas

JOHOR BAHRU – Dalam perjumpaan di antara pembeli dan UPEN Johor beserta JPN pada 13 Mei 2012 yang lalu satu sesi dialog telah diadakan dan para pembeli rumah pangsapuri Mount Austin telah menyatakan ketidak percayaan mereka terhadap pemaju, Kong Sun Enterprise Sdn Bhd. Pemaju yang gagal menyiapkan projek ini selama 8 tahun telah diberi masa sebulan dari tarikh 8 Mei 2012 untuk menyiapkan blok 10, projek ini dan kemudiannya blok-blok yang lain.
Dalam sesi dialog yang panas itu Mohd Ali Bin Abdul Rahman, 38 (pembeli) meminta jaminan bertulis daripada kerajaan negeri dan Kementerian Perumahan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Tinjauan wartawan masyarakat pada 22 Mei 2012 bersama  Pengerusi jawatankuasa pemilik, En.Suhaini bin Mat Isa mendapati tidak banyak perkara yang berubah di blok 10 malahan kawasan pangsapuri itu kini di jadikan tempat membuang tanah dan sampah daripada projek pembangunan lain.  Menurut En.Suhaini, wakil pembeli telah dijemput ke JPN pada 28 Mei 2012 untuk berbincang dengan pemaju.
Pangsapuri Kos Rendah Mount Austin
Pangsapuri Kos Rendah Mount Austin yang terbengkalai kini menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah dan sisa projek pembangunan yang lain.

Projek pangsapuri yang telah dimulakan pada tahun 2004 ini sepatutnya disiapkan pada 2007, tetapi pemaju gagal menyiapkan projek ini menyebabkan 911 pembeli yang rata-ratanya golongan berpendapatan rendah terpaksa menanggung pelbagai kos tambahan seperti menyewa rumah disamping membayar pinjaman bank bagi rumah pangsa ini. Pada Oktober 2011, pembeli-pembeli rumah pangsa berkenaan telah berkumpul dan membuat laporan polis terhadap pemaju.
Mount Austin Piling
Setelah 8 tahun, blok 3, 5 dan 7 hanya siap piling sahaja.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Economic Transformation Programme- Najib Unveils 21 New Projects

 Kuala  Lumpur (28 May 2012) : The Prime Minister, Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak announced 21 new projects under seven National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs), expected to boost GNI by RM4.59 billion and create 39,918 jobs. In his address, the Prime Minister also provided comprehensive updates on six policy reforms initiatives under the Strategic Reform Initiative (SRIs), delivering on two key thrusts of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) -- focus and competitiveness.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Orang Laut - Survival Continues

Do you wish to get fresh seawater fishes and crabs? Try visiting the makeshift fish market of Orang Laut or also known as the Seletars near the Zon Regency, Stulang, Johor Bahru.
The prices here are reasonable and quite cheap compared to the market. The makeshift fish market will normally start as early as 6.00 am and open until around 10.00am or until all the catches are sold out.

When asked why aren’t they selling it in the market, many of them said they could not afford the operating costs in the market and by selling here; they can deal with the buyer straight.
For Orang Laut, the catches did not come easy, considering the development, depletion of fishes and crustaceans due to heavy pollution and mangroves along Stulang continuously destroyed.

According to a fisherman, Dol, 49, with their hard earned money, they bought a fiber boat and engines which costs around RM13,000.00 and RM14,000.00. They have to go all the way to Pengerang, Kota Tinggi and Desaru, which is about 80 to 100 km to catch fishes and crabs.
“The operating costs are very high and it is very tiring but we have to do it for survival,” said Dol.

The Zon duty free complex and Johor Bahru was once the dwelling of the Orang Laut, but with the rampant development in the Johor Bahru coastal area, they were forced and relocated to Pasir Puteh and other places around Johor.
Even though they are relocated far from their original dwelling, they still come back to Stulang area to sell their catches.
“We miss our ancestral land” said Dol.
Amidst of many uncertainties lingering around them, such as no gazetted land for the Orang Laut, ever increasing cost of living and a bleak future, these people who are once known as the ferocious naval guard of the Johor royalties, now finds them in a limbo to survive or even worse to preserve the heritage and existence in Johor.