Friday, March 11, 2011

PMH UTM 1 Malaysia Indian Cultural Night

After sixs years beeing missing, Persatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Universiti Teknologi Malaysia makes a comeback with their cultural night by putting up a spectacular performance by local artists. The event organized with aim to raise fund for charity.

"Those days there were over 600 Indian students studying in UTM. But now with only 200 students, they have done a good job." Said Dato S.Balakrishnan, Vip of the event.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elderly health care seminar and workshop

The seminar will teach you how to age with confidence and integrity, health issues of elderly population in Malaysia, and how to deal with common health issues of the elderly population and the programs that you can implement in your state as a service NGO. We have interesting talks and workshops on this. Please come and experience, and we will help you to organize Senior citizen fellowship programs in your respective states as a follow up of this seminar. Every participants will be given a certificate of attendance.

Please see and get back to us. Thank you for your kind support.
Love and prayers,
Renu ( 012-2701440)