Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Satya Sai Baba’s health condition stable: doctors

The health condition of Sri Satya Sai Baba, who was admitted to a hospital on Monday for lung and chest congestion, is stable, doctors attending on him said today.
85-year-old Sai Baba was admitted to the Prashanthigram Super Speciality hospital in Puttaparti near here after he complained of slowing heart beat and giddiness.
“He had a restful night yesterday and he is under constant care of a panel of experts. Baba’s health condition is progressing,” according to a health bulletin issued by the hospital.
A permanent pacemaker has been implanted and his clinical parameters are satisfactory and his condition is stable, the bulletin said.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Libyan claims rape by soldiers, is dragged away

TRIPOLI, Libya – A distraught Libyan woman stormed into a Tripoli hotel Saturday to tell foreign reporters that government troops raped her, setting off a brawl when hotel staff and government minders tried to detained her.
Iman al-Obeidi was tackled by waitresses and government minders as she sat telling her story to journalists after she rushed into the restaurant at the Rixos hotel where a number of foreign journalists were eating breakfast.
She claimed loudly that troops had detained her a checkpoint, tied her up, abused her, then led her away to be gang raped.
Her story could not be independently verified, but the dramatic scene provided a rare firsthand glimpse of the brutal crackdown on public dissent by Moammar Gadhafi's regime as the Libyan leader fights a rebellion against his rule that began last month.
The regime has been keeping up a drumbeat of propaganda in the Tripoli-centered west of the country under its control even as it faces a weeklong international air campaign against the Libyan military.
At a hastily arranged press conference after the incident, government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said investigators had told him the woman was drunk and possibly mentally challenged.
Before she was dragged out of the hotel, al-Obeidi managed to tell journalists that she was detained by a number of troops at a Tripoli checkpoint on Wednesday. She said they were drinking whiskey and handcuffed her. She said 15 men later raped her.
"They tied me up ... they even defecated and urinated on me," she said, her face streaming with tears. "The Gadhafi militiamen violated my honor."
The woman, who appeared in her 30's, wore a black robe and a floral scarf around her neck and identified herself. She had scratches on her face and she pulled up her black robe to reveal a bloodied thigh. She said neighbors in the area where she was detained helped her escape.
The Associated Press only identifies rape victims who volunteer their names.
As al-Obeidi spoke, a hotel waitress brandished a butter knife, a government minder reached for his handgun and another waitress pulled a jacket tightly over her head.
Al-Obeidi said she was targeted by the troops because she's from the eastern city of Benghazi, a rebel stronghold.
The waiters called her a traitor and told her to shut up. She retorted: "Easterners — we're all Libyan brothers, we are supposed to be treated the same, but this is what the Gadhafi militiamen did to me, they violated my honor."
It soon turned into a scene of chaos with journalists attempting to protect the woman from government minders who physically attacked and intimidated her.
Journalists who tried to intervene were pushed out of the way by the minders. A British television reporter was punched, and CNN's camera was smashed on the ground and ripped to pieces by the government minders.
Eventually the minders overpowered the woman and led her outside, shoving her into a car that sped away. Al-Obeidi kept crying that she was certain she would be thrown in jail. She begged photographers to take her picture, raising her robe to show them her bruised body. A minder tried to cover her mouth with his hand to keep her from talking.
"Look at what happens — Gadhafi's militiamen kidnap women at gunpoint, and rape them ... they rape them," al-Obeidi screamed.
She said she wanted to be taken to see the leader himself.
"I want to see Moammar Gadhafi. Didn't he say that every victim will have justice? I want my rights," she said.
The government spokesman said the woman was under investigation.
"The investigators did phone me and told me the lady is drunk and that she seems to be suffering mentally," Ibrahim said. "They are checking on her health condition, her mental condition, whether she was really abused or if these were fantasies."

Gadhafi's crackdown has been the region's most violent against the wave of anti-government protests sweeping the Middle East. Tensions have been rising between foreign reporters in the Libyan capital and the government minders who have sought to tightly control what they see and whom they talk to. Most of the international press corps is being housed at the Rixos hotel.

UTMost Imagination 2011

Innovation and Creativity Festival or known as UTMost Imagination is back again this year. This program is organized in conjunction with UTM convokesyen ceremony where innovation products of the university are displayed to public.
Among the eye catching item displayed is hominoid robot and electric car by Proton and UTM

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Earth Hour 2011 Official video

Friday, March 11, 2011

PMH UTM 1 Malaysia Indian Cultural Night

After sixs years beeing missing, Persatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Universiti Teknologi Malaysia makes a comeback with their cultural night by putting up a spectacular performance by local artists. The event organized with aim to raise fund for charity.

"Those days there were over 600 Indian students studying in UTM. But now with only 200 students, they have done a good job." Said Dato S.Balakrishnan, Vip of the event.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elderly health care seminar and workshop

The seminar will teach you how to age with confidence and integrity, health issues of elderly population in Malaysia, and how to deal with common health issues of the elderly population and the programs that you can implement in your state as a service NGO. We have interesting talks and workshops on this. Please come and experience, and we will help you to organize Senior citizen fellowship programs in your respective states as a follow up of this seminar. Every participants will be given a certificate of attendance.

Please see and get back to us. Thank you for your kind support.
Love and prayers,
Renu ( 012-2701440)