Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chow Kit : Child Care for Homeless

Chow Kit Road is less than a kilometer away from heart of Kuala Lumpur. Life there is cheap, riddled with poverty, drugs, sex and children wandering the street, hungry. Hundreds of them are homeless.

Al Radjhi bank together with an NGO and the Social Welfare Department had setup a child care centre for these underprivileged children. 

Many of the parents who send their children to this child care work in brothel-based industries and are single mothers. They are poor and can’t afford to send their children to commercial child care centers while working. Most of them are homeless or renting cheap budget rooms on daily basis for shelter.

While working, the kids are left on streets or shops vulnerable to the threat of pimps, drug pushers and child trafficking. Realizing the need to protect these kids, the parties concerned started the centre approximately a year ago.

The child-care centre gives them basic education, 6 meals a day and all the basic necessities that a growing child needs. The parents are given some responsibilities too, such as providing the kids with clothing, collaborating the staff to spruce up the centre on a weekly basis and joining their kids for educational tours.

As the centre is providing great service to these underprivileged kids, they are expanding to another floor of the current centre to cater for kids who are aged 6 and above.
Currently they are operating from 7.00am to 7.00pm daily.

Video by Vijay Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Johor Bahru Deepavali Baazar 2011

The ZON Run 2011 - The ZON Johor Bahru

The Zon once again organised a public event which saw over 500 participants from local and
international took part in 10 km Marathon.

The race divided into three category with prizes of 10 thousand ringgit, medal and certificate.

A runner from Kenya, Michael Kasitit won first place in the men's category, while Sheela Samivellu
and Calvin Boon Chang Yik become champion of the women and student categories respectively.

Acording to the Zon's Business Unit Chief Ong Bok Siong, The Zon looking forward to organize this event
annually with bigger competition and better price.

The ZON Regency Hotel by the sea Johor Bahru is a business class hotel facilities provider in the Southern
region of Malaysia and have hosted numerous international and national events.

Video by Vijay Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Nur Hobby RC Drift Challenge IV

Together with 2011 Marathon , The Zon hosted remote controlled car drift competition, organized by Nur Hobby Enterprise.

52 players from around the country came together to display their skills in controlling RC cars. According to the judge, Rizal bin Abdul Rahman points are given according the skills of the competitors of handling their RC cars.

Eric from Kuala Lumpur won the Super Expert Plus category and Paiee from Kuala Lumpur won the Expert Plus Category.

Video by Vijay Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Justice for Lisa

Lisa Ten was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in June 2008. She had undergone allogenoic stem cell transplantation in Oct 2008 but her disease lapsed in March 2009. She was admitted on 13th April at Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) for chemotherapy. She was also about to undergo another cell transplantation. But on 25th April 2009, Lisa Ten passed away at PPUM.
Her parents claim that Lisa could have been saved if the staffs at the medical centre were to be more careful in handling Lisa's health. According to Mr. and Mrs. Ten, Lisa died due to carelessness of the doctors and staffs of PPUM who treated her.

In an official letter to the parents dated 15th May 2009, the doctor who attended to Lisa admitted that there were some non compliances by few of PPUM staffs when examining or doing procedure for Lisa.

For more than a year, Lisa's parents have been seeking justice for Lisa. The matter has been brought to attention of the Malaysia Medical Council (MMC). An inquiry was conducted by the MMC and the outcome still pending.

Representing the deceased family, lawyer and Johor State Assembly Member (ADUN) for Senai Johor, Ong kaw Meng, told Komunitikini reporters that Mr. and Mrs. Ten will be looking into taking possible legal actions against the medical centre and their staffs depending on the outcome of the inquiry.

Video by
Saminathan Munisamy Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Human trafficking victims: Forced to shaft cotton wools

Anne Keyworth1-1.m4v

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Zon Mah Run 2011

From cjmy

The ZON Johor Bahru and Malaysia Association of Hotels (MAH) Johor Chapter collaborate to organize THE ZON JB and MAH RUN 2011 to create unity within the hotels, sport and tourism industry. This is also The ZON JB to deliver our Corporate Social Responsibilities to raise awareness of sport and healthy living among our Malaysian and neighboring countries.

The ZON Johor Bahru and Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) Johor Chapter collaborate to organize 10km Marathon in Johor Bahru.

Date :16th. October 2011

Attractive prizes and a lot of sub events on the day like, Remote control Car Competition, Line Dancing, Aerobathon and many more...

Please log on to for more information and registration. Feel free to call our Toll free 1 800 880 500 or email : for any queries...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Death Penalty: Through My Lens (A Photo Contest Organized by Amnesty International Malaysia)

Whip out your lenses and flash us your best shot! Amnesty International Malaysia is calling all amateur and professional photographers to share their thoughts and views on the death penalty in picture form!

In conjunction with World Day against the Death Penalty which falls on 10 October 2011, we are organising a photography competition. The winning photographs will then be incorporated into Amnesty International Malaysia’s campaign materials.

Details of the competition are as below:

DATE: 22 August 2011 – 1 October 2011
THEME: Death Penalty: Through My Lens
PRIZES: 1st Place: RM 800
2nd Place: RM 450
3rd Place: RM 250

*Winning photographs will also be used to further AIM's campaigns. I.e. be exhibited, made into tshirts and other merchandise, posters, postcards..etc.

Further rules and regulations can be found attached to our promotional posters. Check out our main profile!

This year’s World Day focuses on the inhumanity of the death penalty. People often forget that death sentences are not only the ultimate physical assault to a fellow human being but they also affect a person mentally. Many death row inmates suffer years of living by a thin thread of hope. In countries such as Japan, inmates are kept in solitary confinement and are only informed of their executions hours before it is implemented. Some are driven to insanity by this state of living. It is these more dormant issues that Amnesty International Malaysia wishes to highlight and provoke thought on.

We are looking for photographs which articulate the issues and controversies surrounding the death penalty. In order to do this, photographers would first have to research and understand the complexities which surround this human rights issue. Amnesty International Malaysia hopes that this competition will bring about a new wave of awareness. We also seek to tap into the creative side of people’s mind leading to campaigns with more public appeal.

Put on your thinking caps, hang conventional methods, inject creativity into your systems and fire away. Tell us a thousand words through your photographs!

Winners will be announced on 13 October 2011.

For more information please contact Adeline Choo at 03-79552680 or email

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba Left His Earthly Body

The inevitable has happened. After 27 days hospitalized , Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba, Kaliyuga Avatar,  India, breathed his last in the early hours of Sunday.

According to information from Puttaparthi, the abode of Satya Sai Baba, the doctors at the Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences removed the ventilator after all his vital organs refused to accept the treatment provided by the support systems.

The doctors immediately informed the trust members and family members.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alternative Channels for Malaysiakini

by Malaysiakini on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 12:37pm
Dear Fans,

Since yesterday's cyber attacks on Malaysiakini, we have set-up various alternative channels for you to access our news articles.

1. URL :
2. Live Blog
Mandarin :

3. Facebook Notes
Check out other pages Notes on your left panel.
English :

4. Twitter accounts

English : mkini_en
Mandarin : mkini_cn
BM : mkini_bm

Please feel free to share this information to your friends. The fight continues...

Thank you.
Malaysiakini team

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Under the Sathya Sai Council of Malaysia VIP, 45 SAI Youths from Malaysia and Singapore jointly will participate in this Grama Seva.

Place: Near the Border of Kalimantan/Sarawak. Ulu Lemanak District, Long House Ulu Bawie. The Poorest Village in Sarawak in 2004. Now with Sathya Sai Avathar Divine Hand Touched their villagers heart. Phase 1 completed with new long houses built for 49 families , water system and also sanitation given each family door to door, fruits farm and vegetable, narayana seva , medical care, etc for since 2004 until 2010. Currently the village undergoing the 2nd Phase of development which will cover:  solar systems for community hall, playground, fruits tree farm, vegetable farm, library,reading corner,computers, books,bcycles, mass cooking,  etc. This  is what GS2011 will focus in this trip.
The Grama Seva aims at communicating the following important message to the society at large:
* Service demands Quality and not Quantity.
* Love must be the undercurrent of any service activity
* Social Service is not 'Slow'cial Service nor is it 'Show'cial    service.
* Reaching out to the lowest of the low and the poorest of the poor in the social order.
* Paropakaaraartham Idam Shariram - The very purpose of donning this human body is to be of service to others.
* One must move from Vyashti (Individual) to Samashti (Society) to Srushti (Nature) to Parameshti (Divinity)
Word was going around for sometime that Kampong Bawie is one of the poorest villages in the Sarawak state. It was said that even going there is very difficult. Brother Charlie and Brother Simma was the one who had some knowledge of the area repeated these claims and suggested that we should include the village in our Narayana Seva Programme.

Although I could not join the first group of devotees who went there for an initial survey, they confirmed everything what we heard! Therefore, I was really excited like a schoolgirl when our Sai Centre in Kuching decided to adopt that village in the Gramma Seva Project. It was another gift from Swami to assist the poorest of the poor people and for that He kindly chose us as  His  instrument! 

In the event, when I and other devotees commenced journey the difficulties proved to be more formidable than what we had  anticipated! To begin with the village was not accessible by road of any sort to drive; trekking was the only way! Walking for four hours on a mountain terrain, crossing endless streams, climbing steep hills carrying  bags of necessities -- may sound romantic but not so easy in reality! But we made it with by the Grace of  Bhagawan.

Good to describe what the others described them as ...kasar...
But that was only the beginning. When I saw the Long House in the village and  people living there my heart sank in pain! The intensity of the poverty was simply beyond our imagination! There was not much to eat. They survived on whatever litte rice they could grow on the hilly terrain. Not surprisingly they, particularly children, were visibly undernourished.

Animals and humans lived together in the same long-house. There was a sever lack of hygiene consciousness -- no proper toilets, no drinking water other than the river and the rain. There was no reliable supply of electricity. There was only one house that had a generator. If the generators breakdown, as often they do, darkness becomes the way of life. In a country that is moving fast to a high  technological society these people are struggling! I cried in prayer: “Swami -- In this endless misery how can we help these people? Where to begin?” But there was no time to waste ...

The first thing we did was to cook and feed them; rest of the left-over provisions were handed over to them. Unfortunately the food we cooked was never  seemed adequate. They returned again and again to ask for more. They pushed  each other just to get the food. I could only see the deprived eyes --  be it a child or an elderly person. How much we wished Swami to grant us a proverbial ‘Akshaya Patra’ (=a divine vessel where the food never gets finished no matter however much we take out of it)! We tried came better prepared during later visits. .. But in GS2010,,it really happen—swamy done Akshaya Patra ,,food start filling in not finishing.

Beside serving food we carried out some essential repair jobs, shampooed and cut the hair for those who needed. The day ended with some EHV classes. The villagers were sitting in a daze!  They must be wondering what we were up to ... who are these people to come and do all these things ... do they belong to any government body, or a religious group? The problem was that  no other organization or group ever came to the village to carry out such work. (It is good to put the quote from the villagers here.)

Therefore, it was not surprising if they thought that all this was being done with some selfish motive. Hence they were not very receptive, initially! Nonetheless, we continued – with a prayer in the heart as Swami advises.

Then there were moments of human pessimism  when we wondered whether the project will be sustainable. At those times all we did was what all sincere devotees do -- we placed our hearts at Swami’s sacred feet and followed His dictum: Carry out the service to the needy and let it transform people. With that as our protection we never lost faith.  

At the end of that first visit  we made a deal with the elders of the community: we will come to visit you regularly to help you with food, clothes and other necessities but you must clean-up the house and organize things a little better. Our main objective was to see them living in a cleaner and healthier environment. [Simma can describe the actual arrangements] They agreed.

To keep our end of the bargain we returned to the village  after three months and they kept to their promise. And what a pleasant surprise! Houses  were cleaned, organized and all pets were kept in cages that they themselves built. It was indeed a beautiful site!

Since then, members of our Centre returned to the village and carried out many beneficial activities. Such is their devotion seven long hours of long and laborious journey to reach the village did not deter these committed youths.  We assisted them to built a new home, gave them seeds to grow their own vegetables, built sanitation facilities and provided water-storage tanks in the village. Slowly but steadily the villagers realized that we are serious in our intentions and had no ulterior motives. In all such projects, as the one we undertook, that is a significant step forward! 

Even during previous visits, villagers simply used to sit around  and watch us cooking, serving food to them and carry out other chores. We used to wonder why they don’t come forward to offer assistance and share the work?

But this Christmas trip saw a very pleasant turn of the events. It was almost like a shock. A total transformation is how one can describe it. Some villagers stood along the path to welcome us while the children kept running behind the wheels to greet us. Many came and helped to unload  things that we brought for them. They came forward spontaneously with offers of assistance. They helped with cutting the vegetables, cooking, organizing the crowd while the food was served and clearing-up later. We built homes with their assistance. We found some of them had good carpentry skills. And all this was done with full of love and warmth. It appeared   as if Swami was saying to us, “children this is what it meant love all and doing with so much joy”. And we did!

We celebrated Christmas  in real spirit of the festival -- we sang carols, exchanged gifts and of course shared food -especially the durian fruits that the villagers picked from the jungle. They treated us as members of their own families. The whole night spent talking and minggling – just like relatives. They made home very comfortable so that we might be tempted to stay longer -- such was their love and kindness!

Inhabitants of Kampong Bawie are no longer lazy, self centred people, as we (and so many others) mistook at the beginning. Now they work together as one big family of selfless members. When the inevitable moment of parting the company came, they all lined up, hugged us and bid a hearty farewell. Some even shed tears as we left the village with heavy hearts.

Although what we saw in the village is no less than a total transformation from a  self-centred  community to a group of selfless people working together for the betterment of their society, there is still lot to be done.For instance, educational awareness is still far from them. Unfortunately most of them stop schooling after the  Primary School due to long distances from schools, and intense poverty. Remedy for this (to awaken the authorities) needs another Sri Sai miracle. Perhaps it’s already on the way! A mud road (logers’ road, as they call it) that appeared recently, although far from perfect, must reduce the commuting problems. A school in the neighbourhood? May be we celebrate next Christmas with that! What is beyond Bhagavan?  ‘Swami kindly consider our application’

Several villagers wanted to know which organization we belonged to and why are we so kind to them? When explained the nature of our mission, they began to experience of Swami through our hearts. Now Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a household name there.  People in Kampong Bawie now consider Sai people as messengers from God. For us the participants, it’s an unforgettable divine experience.

 Everyone wanted to see Swami in person (Don’t we all?). One even asked if Sai Baba (this is how they refer to Swami) is old, if so it would be difficult for Him to travel because of the mountain terrain. There was even a suggestion that an helicopter could be arranged to bring Swami into their midst! Given their enthusiasm and love we should not be surprised if one day Swami grants them a personal Darshan.

Swami! Considering great miracles You carried out such as providing drinking water to the people in parched lands, huge free hospitals and educational institutions, the transformation that has taken place in Bawie might only be a small one but the fact that You chose us for the project and helped us to  carry it out successfully makes us immensely happy! How can we thank You? 

Jai Sai Ram…Love all Serve all

The Organizer Team VIP Sathya Sai Malaysia

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Satya Sai Baba’s health condition stable: doctors

The health condition of Sri Satya Sai Baba, who was admitted to a hospital on Monday for lung and chest congestion, is stable, doctors attending on him said today.
85-year-old Sai Baba was admitted to the Prashanthigram Super Speciality hospital in Puttaparti near here after he complained of slowing heart beat and giddiness.
“He had a restful night yesterday and he is under constant care of a panel of experts. Baba’s health condition is progressing,” according to a health bulletin issued by the hospital.
A permanent pacemaker has been implanted and his clinical parameters are satisfactory and his condition is stable, the bulletin said.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Libyan claims rape by soldiers, is dragged away

TRIPOLI, Libya – A distraught Libyan woman stormed into a Tripoli hotel Saturday to tell foreign reporters that government troops raped her, setting off a brawl when hotel staff and government minders tried to detained her.
Iman al-Obeidi was tackled by waitresses and government minders as she sat telling her story to journalists after she rushed into the restaurant at the Rixos hotel where a number of foreign journalists were eating breakfast.
She claimed loudly that troops had detained her a checkpoint, tied her up, abused her, then led her away to be gang raped.
Her story could not be independently verified, but the dramatic scene provided a rare firsthand glimpse of the brutal crackdown on public dissent by Moammar Gadhafi's regime as the Libyan leader fights a rebellion against his rule that began last month.
The regime has been keeping up a drumbeat of propaganda in the Tripoli-centered west of the country under its control even as it faces a weeklong international air campaign against the Libyan military.
At a hastily arranged press conference after the incident, government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said investigators had told him the woman was drunk and possibly mentally challenged.
Before she was dragged out of the hotel, al-Obeidi managed to tell journalists that she was detained by a number of troops at a Tripoli checkpoint on Wednesday. She said they were drinking whiskey and handcuffed her. She said 15 men later raped her.
"They tied me up ... they even defecated and urinated on me," she said, her face streaming with tears. "The Gadhafi militiamen violated my honor."
The woman, who appeared in her 30's, wore a black robe and a floral scarf around her neck and identified herself. She had scratches on her face and she pulled up her black robe to reveal a bloodied thigh. She said neighbors in the area where she was detained helped her escape.
The Associated Press only identifies rape victims who volunteer their names.
As al-Obeidi spoke, a hotel waitress brandished a butter knife, a government minder reached for his handgun and another waitress pulled a jacket tightly over her head.
Al-Obeidi said she was targeted by the troops because she's from the eastern city of Benghazi, a rebel stronghold.
The waiters called her a traitor and told her to shut up. She retorted: "Easterners — we're all Libyan brothers, we are supposed to be treated the same, but this is what the Gadhafi militiamen did to me, they violated my honor."
It soon turned into a scene of chaos with journalists attempting to protect the woman from government minders who physically attacked and intimidated her.
Journalists who tried to intervene were pushed out of the way by the minders. A British television reporter was punched, and CNN's camera was smashed on the ground and ripped to pieces by the government minders.
Eventually the minders overpowered the woman and led her outside, shoving her into a car that sped away. Al-Obeidi kept crying that she was certain she would be thrown in jail. She begged photographers to take her picture, raising her robe to show them her bruised body. A minder tried to cover her mouth with his hand to keep her from talking.
"Look at what happens — Gadhafi's militiamen kidnap women at gunpoint, and rape them ... they rape them," al-Obeidi screamed.
She said she wanted to be taken to see the leader himself.
"I want to see Moammar Gadhafi. Didn't he say that every victim will have justice? I want my rights," she said.
The government spokesman said the woman was under investigation.
"The investigators did phone me and told me the lady is drunk and that she seems to be suffering mentally," Ibrahim said. "They are checking on her health condition, her mental condition, whether she was really abused or if these were fantasies."

Gadhafi's crackdown has been the region's most violent against the wave of anti-government protests sweeping the Middle East. Tensions have been rising between foreign reporters in the Libyan capital and the government minders who have sought to tightly control what they see and whom they talk to. Most of the international press corps is being housed at the Rixos hotel.

UTMost Imagination 2011

Innovation and Creativity Festival or known as UTMost Imagination is back again this year. This program is organized in conjunction with UTM convokesyen ceremony where innovation products of the university are displayed to public.
Among the eye catching item displayed is hominoid robot and electric car by Proton and UTM

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Earth Hour 2011 Official video

Friday, March 11, 2011

PMH UTM 1 Malaysia Indian Cultural Night

After sixs years beeing missing, Persatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Universiti Teknologi Malaysia makes a comeback with their cultural night by putting up a spectacular performance by local artists. The event organized with aim to raise fund for charity.

"Those days there were over 600 Indian students studying in UTM. But now with only 200 students, they have done a good job." Said Dato S.Balakrishnan, Vip of the event.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elderly health care seminar and workshop

The seminar will teach you how to age with confidence and integrity, health issues of elderly population in Malaysia, and how to deal with common health issues of the elderly population and the programs that you can implement in your state as a service NGO. We have interesting talks and workshops on this. Please come and experience, and we will help you to organize Senior citizen fellowship programs in your respective states as a follow up of this seminar. Every participants will be given a certificate of attendance.

Please see and get back to us. Thank you for your kind support.
Love and prayers,
Renu ( 012-2701440)

Friday, February 18, 2011

SJK(T) Ladang Nordanal

At the moment the school really needs educational items for laboratory, portable white boards, computers, chair and tables for teachers and office and many other types of stationery.
Anybody who can help (financially or others), please contact the Mr Batmanathan, Pibg Ydp at 012-2529583.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Along On Flame

Lorry carrying money lender sticker caught with fire. The driver who refused to be identified said, while he tried to take the corner from Pasir Gudang Highway to Johor Jaya, the lorry turn over and caught with fire. He managed to escape through broken windscreen with minor injuries. Fire from the lorry spreads to the nearby bushes but manage to put off by Fireman from Johor Jaya fire station. Later the owner of the lorry had seen picking up the stickers.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Flood Devastated School Needs Help

SJK(T) Ladang Nordanal, Panchor Muar needs aid to restore the school effected by recent flood in Johor. Flood that hit Johor from 31 Jan to 10th Feb 2011 recently had destroy almost everything in the school. This school is located in Ladang Nordial Oil Palm Estate in a small town known as Panchor located in Ledang district, Johor. Currently there are 48 students studying in this school.

According to the school management important documents are saved by teachers but due to lack of manpower and transportation, other equipment such as Photostat machine and computers cannot be saved. According to the PIBG head, Mr Batmanathan there were little help from people around as many were busy trying to save their own properties.
Mr.Batmanathan, YDP of PIBG is looking forward for help from Ngos and wealthy individual to support this school so that the students can start back their activities as soon as possible. Recent visits by Johor Cj to the school found that the school management already cleaned up the classroom and compounds but at the moment there is no electricity in school yet and the students are studying on the floor without any facilities. According to the YDP Pibg, they will be getting tables and chairs soon but there are many other things are that is damaged and needs to be replaced.
At the moment the school really needs educational items for laboratory, portable white boards, computers, chair and tables for teachers and office and many other types of stationery.
Anybody who can help (financially or others), please contact the Mr Batmanathan, Pibg Ydp at 012-2529583.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

World Kites Festival Day 1

World Kites festival day one in Pasir Gudang started with local kite players from different states competing in three different categories of traditional kites. “Auxiliary, beauty and the flying height of the kite are considered in choosing a winner” said a kite player, Abdul Latiff from Kelantan. Abdul Latiff participated 15 times in the Pasir Gudang World Kite festival and won several categories before. Day two of the festival will continue with kite players from around the world compete each other with modern kites. Video by Vijay Kumar Rahman and Steve, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Pasir Gudang MCA CNY

Plenty of food, plenty of ang paus, and a large crowd. MCA Pasir Gudang held their CNY open house in Johor Jaya hall last Sunday which ws officiated by MP of Pasir Gudang Mohamed Khaled Hj. Nordin. In the event some household goodies were given away for flood victims.Video by Vijay Kumar Rahman, Steve and Saminathan, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Not having IC/BC & Red IC are still a problem in our Community. Under Indian Special Task Force, KEMPEN MY DAFTAR frm 19th-26th Feb (Including Sat&Sun) will open special counters for Indian Community at JPN to settle this issues. Commitment was given by PM &KDN to settle IC/BC issue. Plz bring those wthout IC/BC to JPN nationwide. Last chance for our community to settle this IC/BC issue.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

From Puduraya to Malaysiakini

An advance, intensive 7 days course conducted for cjs from Sabah, Serawak and Johor state. Video shot on their routine way to Mkini from Citin Hotel.

Friday, February 4, 2011

CNY Business Drop 30%

Chinese New Year business hit hard by continuous rain last 3 days. Hawkers complains of 30% drop in sale compare to last year.

Video by Vijay and Steven, Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monkey died a bitter dead

Sad!!! Hit by motorist, this young monkey will not die young if only there were wild life crossing built here.
Mount Austion, Johor bahru.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Community Police Signboard Attacked

From cjmy
Community police station signboard in Mount Austin, Johor Bahru attacked by along with sticker.

Looks like they don't even scared of police.